The assignment gone wrong

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"Then that's settled, I know I said we should meet tomorrow, but how about you write your essay about tomorrow, and we will meet the day after. You can just drop by whenever you have time."

Loki had the five sheets of paper clutched close. He was going to burn the last three, and hand in the first two. That way Coulson wouldn't find out about the beating. Or the cutting. Or the strapping. Or the words.

He was walking towards the library, in the hall there was a fireplace. But right before he got there, he ran into Clint. Quite literally.
The two guys collapsed and Loki fell backwards. He closed his eyes and bit back a scream when he landed on the agitated welts staining his back. Clint helped him up while apologising and gathered the essay Loki had dropped. He read the heading and nodded. "The writing an essay. It does help huh?" Clint asked but didn't make a move to give the papers back.
Loki was getting nervous, no one could read it. "Not really. There's nothing wrong." He said and tried to take the papers back. He grabbed miss though, Clint was faster and pulled them back.
"Really? So that's why you're arms are a battlefield? Bruce told us." Clint explains at Loki's shocked face. He looks through the papers, planning to simply look at the amount of tekst. "Wow, you surely wrote a lot..." His voice trailed off as be catched a few words. Before he knew it he was reading a few sentences. And they made him sick. This was horrible. And the kid was planning on keeping quiet.
Loki paled and started to shake slightly, Barton was reading it. No. Nobody was allowed to know how worthless he was. No.
Clint looked up in shock and took Loki's hand. "We're going to Coulson, right now. And you're going to give him the entire essay. And he is going to help you." The blond said as he lead Loki towards Coulson his office.
Loki only briefly struggled, but it hurt his aching body too much. And so he ended up following with his head hung.

Once in the office, Loki only tensed up further and Coulson looked worried. If only the student could figure out why, there was nothing to be worried about.
Clint handed the papers to Phil, and Loki fought to keep those filthy tears inside. He succeeded, he hadn't cried in years.
Now Coulson would find out, how horrible he was. Good for nothing but a punching bag. He would be accused of only wanting attention, while he actually wanted the opposite, to be left alone.

Phil read the essay carefully, feeling the blood drain from his face. This was so much worse than he thought, and he had sent the kid back there. But now came the most difficult part, collecting evidence. The papers were carefully put aside and Clint softly slipped out.
Loki still looked terrified.
Any second now. Any second he could be called a liar and sent home. Father would be so angry... And Loki was already so tired. And his body hurt so much. He didn't know why he kept trying. He had nothing left to fight for. Nobody would miss him...
Maybe that's why he never told anyone, maybe he did just want attention. Or maybe he just hoped Odin would cut too deep or hit too hard one day, doing what Loki was too afraid to do.
But the accusing words never came.
"Loki, I want to believe every word on that paper. But I have to ask you to meet with someone else before I can help you. The school nurse, her name is miss Potts, she will give you a full physical rapport. We can use that to get you safe." Phil explained to the terrified looking teenager. "She will make sure whatever injuries you have are treated, and she might make a few pictures for documentation. Nothing will be shared without your permission. Would you do that?"
Loki thought about it for a moment, he didn't want anyone to see how misformed he was, how often he must have misbehaved. They wouldn't want to help him if they knew how often he was punished. But then again, they also couldn't help him if he didn't agree. And not taking the chance would mean guaranteed punishment. And that is why the boy nodded softly. "I will see her at her earliest convenience." He said softly.
Coulson nodded and got up. "That would be now, follow me." He wanted to get this done quickly. If it was up to him, Loki would never return to that house again.

They walked to a bright and clean office at the east wing, Loki still curled in on himself as much as possible.
Coulson cleared his throat and the woman present turned around wearing a warm and pleasant smile. She was clothed in sharply pressed white garbs, making it easy to recognise her as nurse, and her strawberry blond hair was tied back in a tight bun. Something about her made Loki relax just the tiniest amount, she simply felt... Calm. Collected. It was impossible to imagine her losing her temper. In a strange way it reminded Loki a little of his mother.

There was one difference. One very big difference.
This woman looked at the scared student with interest and a hint of worry. His mother never looked him in his eyes. He knew that she was well aware of what happened down in his room, but she just ignored him. He wasn't worth her attention. And this strange woman looked at him as if he was.

"Miss Potts, I have a student who needs a full physical exam. With documentation." Coulson said and shared a look with the nurse who immediately understood what was implied. She held the door open to her examination room and smiled softly at Loki. "Come on in, we'll get this over with as soon as possible."

The nervous and terrified student looked up briefly to look at Coulson before he nodded and kept his eyes firmly down once more. He walked inside and sat down on the examination table. A last nervous glance was sent Coulson's way as the door was closed and Pepper got started.

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