Thor finds out

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"How about this." The counsellor started after thinking for a moment. "We let Thor come here, we will make sure he cannot harm you, and we explain the situation."

Loki had to give it to Coulson, he was quick with setting plans to motion.
Just an hour after asking if explaining things to Thor would be alright, some new people were present in the office.

Loki was still seated in his wheelchair and now positioned besides Phil's desk, said man sitting on his spot behind the heavy wooden piece of furniture.
On the other side of the room, at Coulson's right, was the principal.
It was a man that terrified Loki at the same time as making him feel safe. The dark skinned, in leather clad, serious looking male kept his one eye firmly set on the door. Nicolas Fury was a force to be reconned with. Loki had only met the man twice. Once at his first day at school, where Fury had welcomed him personally as son of the great Odin Borson.
The second time was after the first exam week, when he had a firm talk with Loki about his grades. He offered tutoring which Loki declined.

The student had been nervous about the principal being here, convinced that Fury would never believe anything.
It was quite the opposite actually. Nick had only read the essay, looked at the rapport from Pepper, and nodded.
He had been silent ever since.

The three males present were all silently waiting for the door to open.
The two older men were focussed and looking thoughtful.
Loki looked terrified as usual.

There was a brief knock on the door before it opened, a woman entered first. Loki recognised her as the head of security, miss Hill. After the stern looking woman, a confused looking blond entered.
Maria Hill closes the door behind them and stood beside Loki, she would make sure nothing happened to him.

Thor looked completely lost, looking at Loki in confusion.
Phil didn't miss the flash of annoyance in those blue eyes.
"Do you know why you're here?" The councillor asked curiously.
Thor just huffed. "Probably because Loki did something again. Why is he in a wheelchair? Did he get in a fight?" The sneer that layered the words shocked everyone present, everyone except Loki.

The dark haired student had quickly looked down when Thor entered, his thin arms wrapped around his chest as he tried to appear as small as possible in the wheelchair. Loki wasn't surprised by the conclusion Thor had formed at all. After all, that would be logical.

As Loki stayed silent and Fury glared at Thor, Phil spoke up.
"No, Loki did not get into a fight. He is in a wheelchair because his ankles are injured, and he most definitely did nothing wrong. Now sit down mister Borson, there is a lot that needs to be discussed..."

And that's when it started. Thor had sat down, and Coulson started talking.
First he had to figure out if Thor knew anything about the abuse going on.
The genuine shock and surprise suggested that was a no.

Secondly, he had to make Thor believe them. This proved a lot more difficult than anticipated. The broad shouldered student refused to belief anything but praise about his father. He even went as far as to accuse Loki of lying and cheating only to get attention.
No matter how many statements they told him about, or proof they showed him, Thor kept his own stubborn opinion: Loki had done it all to himself just to get attention.
"That's what happens, with adopted kids, they know their own parents didn't want them, and their adopted parents have a child of their own, so they try anything to get attention." Thor said to a tear faced Loki and a shocked set of adults. "Loki... Stop this madness and come home. What would father say-"
Loki actually whimpered this time, curling up tightly and shaking in terror. He didn't want to go home. He didn't want to face Odin. He wouldn't survive. Or worse, he would survive only to be tormented another day.

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