Loki's good day

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Loki couldn't believe how his life had changed so quickly.

Just two days ago he was being beaten with a belt, or kicked down some stairs just to break bones.

And now...

It was Friday evening and Phil's students were currently visiting.
Loki had been terribly nervous, what if he screwed up? What if they were like Thor and didn't believe a word he said?

It wasn't like that at all.

The day already began strange. Phil had helped Loki up the stairs the previous night, made him take his meds, and showed him a small but comfortable guestroom with a small bathroom attached to it that held a shower and a sink. There was just a bed with soft light blue sheets, a dresser, a nightstand, a mirror, some landscape painting, and... A window. A big widow that could open, with nice green curtains.
Loki had been in awe. It was more than he could ever imagined sleeping in. He was already happy with a sheet to cover him.
The dark haired youngster trailed his shaking fingers along the soft sheets and swallowed thickly. He barely managed an audible thank you, but Phil understood and wished him goodnight.

Over all, it was a good night. The bed was soft and didn't agitate his injuries as much, the sheets and new pyjamas kept him nice and warm, and the curtains left the room nice and dark...
Loki woke up in sweat half way through the night, a nightmare fresh in his mind. Still half asleep the student had briefly thought himself still in that basement and curled up in fear.
It wasn't until a few minutes later that he remembered where he was.
With shaking hands he parted the curtains slightly, it filled the room with the soft light of the moon, and from where he lay on the bed he could look at the stars.
The rest of the night passed without a single flaw.

That morning Loki had woken with the soft sun shining on his face, and he woke better rested that he could ever remember being. He stretched out with a soft whimper, his injuries throbbing lightly.
The student sat up and saw the time on the clock. It was only six in the morning. Normally Loki would get up to make breakfast around this time. But... Coulson's words echoed in his mind. Perhaps he did not have to make food.
Phil had told him he did not have to do any chores until specifically ordered to do so. The embarrassment of making a meal for no reason was still fresh in his mind.
Eventually Loki decided to stay in his room and set to get dressed. Coulson had left all his new clothes on top of the dresser. And so the student only had to reach over to grab a soft shirt and a pair of jeans before limping into the bathroom and grabbing a quick shower.
Dressed in cleaner and nicer clothes than he had ever worn and his ankles throbbing, Loki grabbed some books out of his tattered schoolbag and decided to make some homework he wouldn't hand in. Science was his favourite, together with physics. Those were the hardest to fail because he loved studying it.
Time flew by as he wrote equations and solved the extra content with ease. His notebook was almost full. He would have to ask Thor to- oh... Yes...
Thor who by now would have told Odin about everything. Thor who would never support him anymore.

Loki's thoughts were broken by a soft knock on the door. "Loki? Breakfast is almost ready. Are you awake?" Phil asked gently through a closed door.

Clearing his throat that clogged up due to the emotion filling him, Loki quickly answered. "Yes sir, awake and ready." No one had ever cared about his privacy. And it would have been Coulson's right to walk in, it was his house after all. Loki felt a bit silly for being so happy with just a hint of kindness.

"May I come in?"

"Of course Sir." The student quickly pushed his notebooks back in his bag and sat up perfectly straight despite the welts on his back aching.

The door opened slowly to show a down dressed Phil. Instead of his usual suit he just wore a soft looking sweater and jeans. The man smiled softly and wished Loki a good morning before walking in carrying a plastic stool. A small frown appeared on his face as he took in Loki's wet hair. "You already showered?" He asked both worried and confused.

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