A day in my life - by Loki Laufeyson

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This essay is about a day in my life.
The assignment was formed by mister P.J. Coulson, and given a one day time span.
Written by Loki Laufeyson, at 2nd of November, 2015.

6:15 - the alarm goes off.
I wake up and quickly get showered. I always shower quickly so I leave enough hot water for the others.
My room is in the basement, so I don't have a window. I don't really like sleeping in the basement, it's always cold and damp. And the light switch is upstairs so I cannot control the light myself. That sucks when I am being locked up when grounded.
The walls are pretty bare, and my bed isn't always comfortable. Sometimes I have bruises or muscle aches and then I can't really sleep well. Like this night, my side still throbs a little, so I haven't really slept much.

6:45 - making breakfast
I make breakfast for everyone because I have the most time in the morning. So I bake bacon and eggs for father, eggs and toast for mother, bacon and eggs and toast for Thor, and I just eat whatever is left over. I'm not hungry in the morning. The kitchen is nice and bright, it's very big, but I have to make sure everything is clean after I use it. At seven everyone gets out of bed and eats, when they're done I clean up.
I sometimes wish I wouldn't have to make breakfast every morning, but everyone has chores they don't like. Some people have to put the garbage out and some people have to vacuum, I don't have to do that. That's the maid her thing.
But I have gotten pretty good at making breakfast, so I didn't make any mistakes this morning. I hate making mistakes, burning food is the worst. Burns really hurt.

7:30 - making lunch
I make lunch for Thor for at school. And for myself of course.
But I don't eat as much as he does. I'm not allowed. Food is a reward for good behaviour.

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7:45 - driving to school
Normally Thor would allow me to drive to school with him. But Odin told him I broke his phone. I didn't. But no one believes me if I would say that. I don't know why, but it seems Odin is saying things to make Thor hate me. I don't know why he's trying, it is rather obvious I am not made to be cared for. Even Thor is not foolish enough to waste time on me.
I quickly start walking to school.
I got late, I tried running, but my ankles still hurt too much. I misstepped, and now the right one is swollen some more.

8:40 - first class
The teacher didn't notice me being late. I merely snuk in during my maths college, and sat in my spot at the back. Sometimes I wonder if anyone would care if I were gone. But then I realise I already know the answer; they wouldn't even notice.

12:00 - lunch
I always spend my breaks in the library. It is calm and peaceful, there aren't any people to bother. I slowly eat my lunch, it's an old cheese sandwich today. I made it for Thor yesterday, but he never ate it, instead eating the chicken I also added in his lunch.
I try not to eat too fast, because it upsets my stomach.

12:30 - practical chemistry class
I'm working together with Arielle, she isn't present often. And she isn't there today. So I do the tests myself. I glance around the class and see people with different results. Some seem to work out, others are failing. When I noticed the colour of the heated mixture was perfect, I cooled it. I failed the assignment.

14:15 - rapports
Today is rapport day. The list of grades is being handed to us by our study coaches. I don't like rapport day. I hate it.
My grades are very bad, and it makes me feel horrible just to look at the paper. But I don't have a choice.
I notice I have a grade higher than normal, for maths. I quickly check with the teacher. But it is correct. I scored rather high at the last test, and now my grade has gone up.
This makes me feel anxious to go home.

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