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The look shared between Lindsey and David didn't go unnoticed by Stevie. So, he lied about this too, she sighed, leading Lindsey to the living area of the apartment. She offered him to sit down and a beverage, but he politely declined, so she took a seat as well, leaving a big gap between them.

"Give us some privacy, David." Stevie made it sound like a request, but he knew it was more of a statement. Once they were left alone, she started feeling nervous; Lindsey obviously knew her, but she couldn't remember him for anything. "I'm not sure how to..."

"May I begin?"

"Yes, go ahead." She turned more to him. 

"What happened to you, Stevie? If I can call you that of course."

"Well, if it's who I am." She shrugged, then nodded her head. "I was involved in a car crash about eight years ago. Another car just rammed into the side of mine and I suffered a terrible head injury, I'm not even talking about broken bones. I was told that I hit my head badly, which caused me memory loss. I have no clue about my life before the accident."

"You're a mother now too, huh?" Lindsey smiled weakly. 

"Twin girls, Aria and Mabel." 

"That's great, you've always wanted to have a girl." 

"This is so surreal, listening to you saying something like that about me."

"I understand. Why did you completely remove yourself out of everyone's life? I get that you don't remember, but... we could have helped you, at least tried to."

"David tells me he doesn't know anything about my past either."

"Does he now..." Lindsey was fuming, but he couldn't just explode with anger. They would get to Stevie's husband in due time. "Just to prove to you I'm not some psycho..." He took out his wallet and pulled out three pictures. "Here. I carry these with me at all times."

Stevie took the photographs in her hands; the first one was of her and Lindsey, from around the time when they joined Fleetwood Mac. He was standing, facing the camera, his huge afro and beard still in place, as she was leaning against his chest, wearing a beautiful bright smile on her face. She put it away after staring at it for a long moment, then looked at the next picture. Again, two young happily smiling people, with cowboy hats on and to their right was an older man - Stevie's grandfather, guitars in their hands. It didn't tell her anything, she recognized herself and Lindsey, and understood it meant something to him that he had it with him. The last photograph was just of Stevie, back in the Fritz days, when she was really, just an innocent young most beautiful girl any guy had laid his eyes on. Her hair was long and straight, her eyes big and her smile wide.

Stevie gave Lindsey back the three pictures, asking. "We were a couple?"

"We were a couple yes, for about six years, then you left me, because I was an asshole. That happened in 1976, but we've been on and off again until you disappeared."

"On and off again, as in..."

"Affairs. We always seemed to have an overpowering desire towards each other. We could hate each other or love each other, nothing ever stood in the way of our physical relationship."

"How did we meet?" She sat in a lotus position, getting more comfortable. 

"Well we met in the 60's, at a party. I sang and played guitar, you heard me and decided to harmonize with me. You told me your name, I told you mine and we said goodbye, meeting again only after a couple of years. We sang in a band together in San Francisco. But it soon started going south, because of creative disagreements and, well... there was a rule among us guys to never date you, because you were the only girl, but... umm.... I really really liked you a lot." Lindsey said somewhat shyly. "So, we left Fritz, moved together to Los Angeles and started dating." Stevie's eyes welled up and Lindsey reached to take her hand, running his thumb over her knuckles. "There's no reason for you to be crying."

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