Chapter 1

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Runningkit bounced out of the nursery with her littermates. They fell into the chilly wet snow in a heap of fluff.
"Be careful, and don't get in any cats way!" Lionpelt called to her kits as she sat at the entrance of the nursery.
"We won't!" Goldenkit, Runningkit, and Volekit said in unison. Volekit pounced on Runningkit as he playfully batted at her underbelly with his hind legs, claws sheathed.
She let out a feigned yowl of pain, being careful not to provoke any warriors in camp. Goldenkit tackled her brother off of Runningkit. Volekit knocked Goldenkit off of him.
"What are you doing here Shadowclan cat!" Goldenkit spat at Volekit.
"I am here to take over Thunderclan!" He yowled back at her.
"You'll never take down Thunderclan!" Goldenkit said as she pounced on him. Soon enough they were in a tussle. Runningkit laughed at her littermates as she watched them tussle. Her ear twitched when she heard unhappy grumbling come from the elders den and turned to see Featherpaw and Tigerpaw cleaning out the old moss. Runningkit turned to her siblings.
"Hey! Lets go see if we can help Tigerpaw and Featherpaw clean the elders den!" She raced over to the apprentices as her brother and sister followed excitedly. Runningkit, Goldenkit, and Volekit skidded to a stop in front of Featherpaw.
"Can we help?" Goldenkit asked first. The apprentice looked to the kits with surprise.
"Sure. Can you bring all of the old moss out of the den? That would help greatly." She said.
"Of course we can!" Volekit meowed.
"Thank you!" Featherpaw called after them as they headed into the elders den. Rainmist, Dewnose, and Amberfur looked at the kits as they entered the den.
"What are you three doing in here?" Rainmist asked.
"We're here to help Featherpaw and Tigerpaw clean out the dirty moss!" Runningkit meowed as she raced over and started to claw some of the moss together.
"That is kind of you. I look forward to when you're apprenticed to clean out the dirty moss. I bet you will be better at it then Tigerpaw." Dewnose said jokingly. Amberfur chuckled at the comment.
A few hours had passed and the kits had finished helping Featherpaw and Tigerpaw as much as they could. The elders had spent away the day telling them stories.
"I remember when I was an apprentice! I was never happy to be put on elder duty!" Amberfur meowed to the kits.
"I'll always clean out your dirty moss for you when I'm apprenticed, Amberfur!" Goldenkit declared, hopping up from where she had been laying down to listen to the elders.
"I remember when my mother told me she had said that to an elder named Mousefur." Rainmist meowed.
"She said she regretted it ever since!" Rainmist joked.
"Who was your mother?" Runningkit asked.
"My mother's name was Icecloud." Rainmist rasped. The kits gathered around Rainmist with curiosity blooming in their eyes.
"Can you tell us more about your mother?" Volekit asked.
"Maybe some other day. Your mother is probably worried about you three. It's getting dark. Time for sleep." Rainmist told them. They all sighed and headed out of the den, saying their good byes to the elders and headed back to the nursery.
The nursery was a lot less cramped ever since Spottedpaw and Lilypaw became apprentices. They had their ceremony two moons ago, and it would be two more moons until Runningkit, Goldenkit, and Volekit were made apprentices.
"I can't wait to be apprenticed!" Volekit said as they ate some fresh-kill together outside the nursery.
"I bet the wait will be worth it when the time comes." Goldenkit said to her brother cheerfully.
Runningkit jumped to her paws as Spottedpaw and her mentor, Sandfeather, entered camp from a hunting patrol. Spottedpaw carried two mice in her jaws and headed to the fresh-kill pile.
The rest of the patrol came into the camp. The patrol had Snowstrike, Tigerpaw, Foxfoot, and Ravenscar. They had a good amount of prey. Foxfoot dropped his catch onto the pile and headed to the leader's den, no doubt to report to Greystar.
Runningkit felt something, like a strike of lightning, go through her as she saw Foxfoot enter Greystar's den.
She was walking behind Foxfoot in the forest. He had paused to scent the air for prey. Suddenly a snake snapped out of the undergrowth and sunk its fangs into Foxfoot's leg. Runningkit attacked the snake and hooked it in her claws, and tore it apart, ultimately killing it.
She raced back over to Foxfoot as he twitched on the ground, his eyes becoming glazed over as he stared up to Starclan.
Runningkit gasped for air as her normal sight returned to her. Goldenkit looked to her with worry.
"Are you alright?" Volekit asked his sister.
"Yes. I'm.. I'm fine." Runningkit answered giving them reassuring looks. What was that? She asked herself.
Runningkit shrugged it off and looked back to the fresh-kill pile to see Spottedpaw pick out a vole and go to sit down next to her sister, Lilypaw, by the apprentice den.  Runningkit ran over to the fresh-kill pile and picked out the two mice Spottedpaw caught and another mouse. Featherpaw looked up from the pile at Runningkit and curled her tail up in amusement.
"Can you carry all that?" She asked. Runningkit nodded to the older she-cat as she carried them to the elders den, leaving her littermates to their food. The elders looked up to see Runningkit stumble into their den, with her mouth-full of prey. Rainmist let out a mrrow of laughter at the clumsy kit.
"Is that for us?" Amberfur asked Runningkit. She gave a muffled answer. She dropped the mice and answered more clearly.
"Yes." Rainmist stood up and picked up a mouse.
"Lets eat outside the den. Its a beautiful day today." She said through her mouthful of mouse.
Dewnose sighed and picked up a mouse and followed Rainmist outside. Amberfur followed as well.
Runningkit cheerfully followed the elders as they walked outside to eat. Runningkit sat next to Rainmist as the elders enjoyed their meal in the sun.

Warrior Cats: Striped savage book 1Where stories live. Discover now