Chapter 13

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When Lionpelt and Runningwish returned to camp, Greystar was waiting in the clearing with Rednose Snowstrike Darklight Leaftail Rainmist Dewnose Amberfur Hawkpath Snowpaw Ivyheart Firepaw Featherwind Goldensky and Tigertooth.

Runningwish was surprised, so much of the clan had gathered to mourn over their lost deputy. Hawkpath mumbled something to Snowpaw and the white apprentice came up to Runningwish while Lionpelt walked over to Rednose.

"Come. I'll give you some thyme and water to soothe your shock. No poppy seeds if you want to sit with him before the elders bury him in the morning." Snowpaw said. Runningwish nodded, her hair still standing up in the shock of watching Foxfoot die.

"Rest. I'll get you when they've started the vigil." Snowpaw said, dropping some thyme in front of the young warrior and licked her comfortingly on the head.

"Thank you Snowpaw." Runningwish mumbled and chewed the herbs. The white she-cat passed through the hanging brambles and back into the clearing.


"Runningwish. It's time." Snowpaw said from the entrance. Runningwish shook herself and walked past the brambles and brushed past Snowpaws soft white pelt.

She saw Voleeye and Spottedlegs laying beside eachother, Lilyflower and Shrewstep were sitting next to eachother too. Runningwish felt loneliness claw at her heart when she saw Goldensky beside Tigertooth.

Was she the only one of her siblings who wouldn't have a mate? She sighed and sat with the elders.

"Runningwish! Our wide eyed youngster is back." Rainmist greeted. Dewnose purred. Amberfur flickered her tail in acknowledgement.

"Poor Rednose. Foxfoot and him were very close." Rainmist meowed grimly, watching Rednose lay next to the deputies body.

"Close?" Runningwish asked.

"They were brothers." Dewnose whispered to her, his long whiskers trembling with his breath. Runningwish looked over at him. How did it feel to lose a sibling? Runningwish looked over at her own brother and sister.

She couldn't ever imagine losing them.

"Greystar must choose a deputy, the moon is rising." Amberfur noted, her old eyes watching the sky with what looked like impatience.

"All cats old enough to catch their own prey, gather here beneath the highledge for a clan meeting!" Greystars yowl rung out among the depsair. Runningwish walked with the elders, feeling pity when she saw Rednose bury his nose in his brothers fur, then leave to join the others.

"Our deputy Foxfoot has fallen today. He was a vigilant and proud loyal warrior and friend. The moon has risen, I must choose a new deputy to take Foxfoots place." Greystar announced. Many cats looked to Barkfur, he was a strong and wise warrior. Runningwish noticed a few looking at Heatherear.

"I have chosen Snowstrike. She is a noble fighter and her mind is clear and knowledgable." Greystar said. Runningwish looked over at her old mentor, surprised Greystar had chosen her.

The white tabby stepped forward and dipped her head to Greystar.

"Thank you. I will not let you down." Snowstrike promised. Greystar blinked kindly at her.

"The meeting is dissmissed." Greystar announced. Many of the cats congradulated Snowstrike and headed back for the vigil with Foxfoot.

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