Chapter 8

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"This gathering is dismissed. May Starclan light your paths." Greystar said and climbed down from his branch. The other leaders and Hawkclaw followed him down. Greystar waved around his tail to signal for his cats to come.

"Thunderclan is leaving!" Runningpaw said to her siblings. The littermates scrambled over to their clan and followed the group back over to the tree bridge.

"Be more careful this time Goldenpaw." Runningpaw warned as her sister climbed up after their brother. Goldenpaw did so and crosses carefully.

Runningpaw followed after and was happy she got to go see a gathering.


The next morning she was awakened by Volepaw nudging her.

"Wake up! Snowstrike and Rednose are telling us we're having another hunting assessment!" He said excitedly. Runningpaw got up out of her warm mossy nest and shook her fur.

"Do you know if it will be our final assessment?" Runningpaw asked as she licked down her ruffled fur.
"I think it would depend on how good we do! I'm so excited if we become warriors by next moon!" Volpaw said. Runningpaw then realized something.

"What about Goldenpaw? Has Ivyheart said anything?" Runningpaw asked. Volepaws excitement wavered a bit.

"She might already be out doing hers. She isn't in here. You know how she is with getting up as soon as the sun rises in the morning." Volepaw said. Runningpaw nodded. That was true.

"Well lets not waste anytime!" Runningpaw said as she wriggled past her brother to get out of the den.

Runningpaw sighed in relief when she saw Goldenpaw coming back into camp with Ivyheart behind her.
"Runningpaw! Volepaw!" She called to her littermates.
"Ivyheart just had me do my final hunting assessment! I'm really worried though.. I missed a vole because I leapt to far and scared it off..." Goldenpaw admitted. Runningpaw brushed her cheek against her sisters comfortingly. Volepaw ran his tall along her flank in reassurance.
"I'm sure you did well, maybe your leaping impressed her. What else did you catch?" Volepaw asked.
"A few mice, and a dove." Goldenpaw recalled.
"Ivyheart already put them on the pile." Goldenpaw said as she flickered her tail where Spottedpaw was retrieving the dove.
"That's not that bad Goldenpaw. Even some senior warriors miss prey." Runningpaw said.
"Runningpaw! We don't have until silverpelt to wait for you!" Snowstrike called.
"Same for you Volepaw!" Rednose joined in.
"We got to go. See you when we get back Goldenpaw." The littermates said as they left Goldenpaw to join their mentors.
Snowstrike lead them out of the tunnel entrance and into the lush and musky smell of the forest.
"I and Rednose will be watching you hunt. You will not see us, so keep up on your skills." Snowstrike warned. Rednose and the white she-cat pelted away into the forest, signaling for the two apprentices to start.
Volepaw took off in his own direction. Runningpaw decided to head opposite.
Runningpaw dropped to a crouch when she scented a thrush. It was hopping around the roots of a tree. The golden pawed apprentice steadily sneaked up on it, careful not to put to much weight on her haunches. The thrush could be cornering something else she could catch.
Runningpaw leaped up and used the weight of her paw to trap the thrush. She snapped his neck and quickly whipped around to see a mouse trying to scurry away. Runningpaw charged at it and easy caught it under her paw.


Runningpaw could see her brother through the undergrowth. He was in a stalking position, but Runningpaw couldn't see or scent any prey. What was he stalking? Volepaw suddenly leapt out and caught a mouse who was hiding in the grass.
Runningpaw blinked. How could he see that? Runningpaw decided to stop watching her brother, Snowstrike was probably watching her.
She passed her covered pile of collected prey and immediately stopped. She heard a snake hiss. Runningpaw attempted at backing up.
Runningpaws eyes widened in panic when a snake showed itself and hissed at her, its jaws open.
Volepaw leapt out of no where and embedded his claws into the snake and bit the neck. He used all the strength he had in his paws and tore the snake apart.
He spit it out onto the ground and swung his head around to look at his sister.
"Are you alright Runningpaw? Foxfoot was right about those snakes." Volepaw said. Runningpaw was too shocked to speak. How did he know she was being attacked? It was very hard to scent a snake, even for warriors!
"Runningpaw! Volepaw!" Snowstrike called as her and Rednose raced to them from their hiding places.
"Are you two alright?" Rednose asked.
"I would have been poisoned by the snake if Volepaw hadn't saved me!" Runningpaw answered. Volepaw curled up his tail in embarrassment.
"I could see it. It was nothing. I thought she had seen it too, but she didn't move so I took action." Volepaw said, like the snake had been so obvious to spot and avoid.
"That was very impressive Volepaw. Outstanding bravery." Rednose said. Snowstrike purred.
"Reminds me of the story my mother told me that her mother told her about a brave warrior who gave her life to save a kit from a snake who had gotten into camp." Snowstrike said. Runningpaws eyes widened.
"What was her name?" Volepaw asked.
"Honeyfern I believe. Long before the terrible battle..." Snowstrike said, whispering the last part.

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