4~ Just Dance (Shut Up and Dance)

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December 24, 2013

{Howard's POV}


It's Christmas Eve and Janan and I are at another one of our parent's parties. To be honest, they've been more fun since Janan and I started dating.

But, tonight was a little boring. There was a dance floor, but no one barely even touched it.

There was a DJ, but was only playing songs from who knows how long ago.

And it's getting pretty late. Almost everyone was either just chatting or playing on their phones. "Everyone" as in the employee's kids that were dragged along like us.

It was Christmas Eve and this was how we were spending our night.

Bored out of our minds.

There wasn't even presents to open! This night was  disaster.

"Okay, I'm done with this." Janan exclaimed. "Lets go." She held out her hand to me.

"What are we gonna do?" I asked.

"Just hold on and see." I stood up, and Janan walked over to the DJ.

"Play something from this century please, something pop." The DJ nodded his head, saying 'Sure Kid' and switched the music.

A familiar music played, but I didn't remember the name.

Janan dragged me to the dance floor.

"What song is this?" I asked, just standing there.

"Who cares? Just shut up and dance! Have some fun! It is Christmas after all!" I looked away from her, not feeling too comfortable.

"I think I'll just sit down." She grabbed my arm before I could move, and I turned to look at her.

I looked at her. I didn't properly admire her before, but she was beautiful. She was wearing a red, backless dress, a black converse, dark red lipstick, and a funny Santa hat headband. It fitted her so well.

Then I made a mistake.

I looked deep into her eyes. I could see that she didn't mean any harm, she just wanted to have fun. She also had that pleading look on her face.

"Fine." I said, giving up.

We took the dance floor, but I was having second thoughts about this.

She tilted my chin with her hand to look at her.

"Don't look back. Just dance." She said calmly.


"Shut up and just dance already!" She saw that I wouldn't budge. "Just look into my eyes and pretend that its just you and me in this room."

"Okay." I looked in her eyes, and it actually worked.

It made me calmer and more relaxed. I started to dance, not ever looking away from those amazing hazel eyes.

This girl could make me do anything.

She was my destiny.

My Queen.

My Soul mate.

I could see us together in the future.

We would have a grand wedding, have like, 4 kids, and live in our dream house.

We were truly made for each other.

And that's how I always want it to be.

Just us.


The time flew by quickly. It was nearly midnight.

I forgot that I had something to give her.

"Janan," I stopped dancing, so did she. "Can we go somewhere private? I want to show you something."

"Okay, sure. Is the balcony alright?"

"Yeah, anywhere."

"Okay, I'll just get my coat and I'll meet you out there."

"Okay. I just have to get something."

I rushed to my suit jacket and pulled out my gift. This was perfect.

I checked my watch. 11:50.

Good. I want to give this to her exactly at midnight.


"What did you want to show me?"

11:57. Almost time.

"I have a gift for you."

"What? You didn't have to get me anything."

"But I wanted to get you something. Just please promise me that you'll just see it, okay? And if you don't like it, I'll return it."

"Fine. I promise."

11:59. Its time.

I pulled out the tiny black box.

"Here," I gave her the box. "I really hope you like it."

She opened the box and gasped.

She took the charm bracelet out.

"It's beautiful!" She said, tears filling in her eyes.

"You're welcome. The charms that are there are symbols of our memories together. The heart represents us, the music note represents when we confessed our love," I blushed, remembering that I made the first move. "the '1' representing our first date, that horribly failed, and the infinity sign representing that no matter what, we always come back to each other with more memories to come."

I paused for a second. "Do you like it?" I asked.

"No, I don't like it." My heart sunk. "I love it!" Her eyes was filled with joyful tears. A few were already spilling.

I wiped them away. "Only the best for my beautiful girlfriend."

She hugged me, really tight. And I hugged back, slightly tighter.

This girl would never be able to be removed from my life.

No matter what, I'll make sure of it.

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