Nightfall (short chapter)

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A/N: Hey dear readers! I just saw the Thor 2 trailer, and I had to include some of the epic stuff into my story, so here's my interpretation of what happened... I mentioned in my prologue that Kathryn can  only hear the future, and I would like to leave all story development of Thor 2 to Marvel, so unfortunately, I won't be including much. Here it is, guys! Tell me if you like what I did, and if you didn't I'll delete it, but I just wanted to give it a shot.

P.S. If you haven't seen it yet, the trailer is posted to the side.

Kathryn's POV

Suddenly, I snapped out of the flashback as a crippling wave of pain went through my head. "Ah," I hissed through my teeth. It's happening again, I thought. It had been months since my last vision. I had had many of them, but I never quite got used to the pain. It sent me to my knees as I clutched at my hair, almost yanking it from its roots.

I heard a very familiar voice echo through my head. "You must be truly desperate," Loki crooned in his liquidy purr, "to come to me for help."

Then, Thor answered, "You should know that when you betray me, I will kill you." His voice was cold and calculating, as if he had lost almost all the love he currently had for his brother.

Loki however, replied in an almost seductive voice, "When do we start?"

"We leave at nightfall," Thor answered.

"And what of Kathryn?" Loki asked. "Does she still live?"

"I do not know. He's taken her. He's taken all of them."

Loki's answering shreik of pain echoed through every fiber of my being. There was only one thing that could make him yell like that. And it was me.

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