The Meeting

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No sooner had Tony left the room with Patsy, and Fury walked into the room. He had an angry expression on his face, and he held a hand on the pistol at his belt. "I assume you know why I'm here," he said.

"To kill me," Loki guessed. "It wouldn't be the first time SHIELD had someone quietly executed." His hand went to mine and he pushed me behind him. "Either that or you're here to kill her. In that case, I won't allow that. You'll have to go through me."

"I'm not going to kill either of you," Fury said. "The only reason I'm acting like this is... Is..." Suddenly, Fury fell to his knees and began to heave in and out, like he was breathing cynaide.

"Stop trying to fight him, Fury," Loki said, walking up to the glass and putting his hands on it. "Just do what he says. I promise it'll be okay."

Fury nodded, straightening up. Soon, the cold, calculating look came back into his eyes. "You failed us, Loki. My troops and my master. You failed us. Remember what I told you? I told you you would someday long for something sweet as death. Remember that, king?" Fury spat.

"Slanthis, please don't hurt her. I'll do anything," Loki whispered, sliding to his knees.

"I'm not called General Slanthis anymore," Fury said. "I am The Other. Now, my slave, I don't have much time. This mortal body I have taken is a strong one, and he will push me out soon. Until then, I must warn you. We are coming. My master and my troops. Locking your doors and hiding your lover will not prevent that. Not even your precious Asgard will be safe. There will be no realm, no barren moon, no crevice," Fury spat, "where he can't find you. We are coming, Loki. You cannot stop us."

Then there was a sound like a rushing wind, and Fury fell to his knees again. "My god," he whispered. "That... that thing. It took me in the training room and I couldn't get it to leave. It forced me to do things I didn't want to," he shivered. "I'd gladly take ten thousand grenades if I never had that happen again."

"Welcome to my world," Loki hissed. "Now let us out, Fury."

"Gladly," he said, pressing a button and unlocking the cage. Loki led me out of the cage. "With me," Fury ordered. When we got to the hallway, Fury turned to Patsy. "Let Hela and Jacob out of their cells and take them up to the conference room next to the bridge. I'm going to call an Avengers Initiative meeting."

"Are you sure letting Jacob out is the best idea, sir?" Patsy asked, flicking her long, red hair. "He's still dangerous."

"I'm going to make that your call, Patsy," Fury said. "But Hela should be okay. Send her up."

Patsy nodded disappeared through a door.

The rest of us went upstairs to find everyone siting in the conference room. The second Loki and I walked in, I was immediately swept into a huge bear hug with Natasha. Clint was right behind her. On his nose he had a small, white strip going across the bridge. This must have been where Jacob had broken it. After that, all I could see was a blur of red hair before I was falling to the floor with Natasha on top of me, squealing with joy.

"You're okay!" she cried.

"Oomph," I choked. "Can't... breathe."

"Sorry," she said, pulling me to my feet. Clint gave me a hug, too. Then Bruce, Steve, Erik, Tony, and Nari. Sleipnir more or less made small whuffing sounds into my hair with his huge nostrils.

"What? No hug for me?" Loki asked. I was the first into his arms, followed by Sleipnir, Hela, Nari, and Tony. Everyone else just shook his hand, except Maria and Melinda, who stood in a corner with serious looks on their faces.

After awhile, everything got down to business. We took our seats at the table and Fury took the head of the meeting. "Okay. I called this meeting for several reasons. First reason is to introduce... ah..."  He glanced over at an empty chair to Clint's left.

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