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Loki's POV

"Where in all the nine realms is Kathryn?" I hissed, looking over at the Man of Iron beside me.

"I don't know. She should have left that room an hour ago. What's taking so long?" he replied. There came a suspicious sigh from the Black Widow beside me. Clearly she knew something. Then I looked around. Agent Barton was missing also.

"Where is The Hawk, you fraudulent snake?" I asked. "You cannot deceive the god of lies. Where has he taken my Lady Kathryn?"

"Need I remind you that I did deceive you in the past, and quite successfully I might add, after you had just finished calling me a 'mewling quim?'" She tossed her short, red hair like a schoolgirl. She had taken to straightening it recently, but I wasn't sure it was quite the look for her. It made her look more stealthy and sophisticated, but she wasn't exactly the most sophisticated person on the team I was now part of.

"That has no bearing anymore, little spider, and you know it. I did not know you then. When I have gotten to know someone, it is easier to deceive and manipulate. Take for example my brother. Having known him since I was old enough to reason and think for myself, it is increasingly easy to deceive him. I was able to convince him the other day that you  mortals have a holiday especially devoted to the banquet hall you call McDonalds. Quite frankly, I don't see why you people enjoy that place. The food is revolting. I tried their chicken, and they do not know how to roast it. I do not understand how it is even edible."

The one they called Parker snorted. "You told him we had a McDonalds day?"

I nodded. I quite liked this mortal already. He looked to be only a bit older than Nari, and about the same age as Hela. Hmmmm. About the same age as Hela. I hoped that would not be a problem. "I'm sorry. I did not get the chance to introduce myself earlier. I am Loki. Of Asgard." Reaching out, I took Parker's hand and shook it. Instantly, I could see into his thoughts. Despite a long look at Hela earlier during the meeting, he had no attraction to her. His thoughts were filled with the face of a girl he called "Mary Jane." I was intrigued by this one. I was sure if I wanted, I could get him to do just about anything for this girl. It reminded me of the way I felt about Kathryn. Who was still missing at the moment. 

"My gods! Where is Kathryn!" I hissed, breaking out of his mind.

"I'm sure she's fine," Bruce said. "I wouldn't let it worry me."

"You do not know the Lady Kathryn as I do,"  I protested. "She is always getting into some sort of trouble. You do not remember the time she was playing with the children and..." But my heart stopped beating at that moment. I thought of Kathryn, and what happened after that day. It was the battle of Beseire. The day Hasira... But I did not want to think of that.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Bruce asked.

"I do not want to talk about it," I replied. 

"Fair enough. But if you ever need an ear, I'm more than willing to hear your thoughts."

"Bruce the Psychiatrist," Tony joked.

"Shut up," Bruce said. "You may need a psychiatrist someday at the rate you're going, Tony."

"I highly doubt that," he joked.

I sighed. Always joking, that one. It would get him in trouble some day. I shook my head and stalked off down the corridor. If the Black Widow would not tell me where my Lady Kathryn was, I would find her myself. 

As I walked down the corridor, I became aware of clicking hoofsteps behind me. Soon, there was warm air on my neck and I turned around with a laugh. "What is it, Sleipnir?"

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