Sammy W Imagine

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Your dad doesn't approve of him


"Sammy come on we can't be late." you said rushing to get your heels and jacket on. "Babe why are you so stressed it's just dinner with your parents." he said laughing a little at your stressed behavior. " Sammy it's a huge deal, you know my parents have a problem with you, especially my dad." you said grabbing your car keys off the counter "Lets go," you said as you headed out of the door.

"Remember don't mention anything naughty or about how-" you said being cut of by Sammy "Babe I know." he said pulling you into a kiss.

"Honey welcome home." your mom said pulling you into a bone crushing hug. "Hey mom it's nice to see you too," you said pulling away "Mom this is Sammy, Sammy this is my mother." you said as you stepped inside the house seeing your dad sitting on the couch watching the t.v. "Hey dad," you said giving him a hug as he kissed you on the forehead "Hey you must be Sammy." your dad said giving him a firm handshake "How are you doing Mr.[Y/L/N]." Sammy said smiling at your dad, but as usual your dad just ignores it. Him and Sammy just don't get along that's why you don't visit as often. "Well dinners ready lets go eat," your mom said clapping her hands together.

"Well Sammy, what do you do for a living." your dad asked looking over at Sammy "Well currently I'm un-employed, but I've been working on my music career." he said taking a sip of his water. Your dad just grumbled not to impressed "Dad why do you always have to be so rude to Sammy." you said frustrated that your dad wont give him a chance "What are you talking about sweet pea." your dad said giving you a confused look "Don't give me that shit dad you know exactly what I mean, why do you always have to downgrade Sammy he is an amazing boyfriend ,and you need to understand that." you said standing up from your chair walking out the door Sammy following behind.



This is something my dad would do tbh


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