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Nate- he buys all your favorite stuff and knocks at you door at 3 in the morning to show you he cares

When you left Nate he was a wreck, he didn't feel complete without you, so he came up with the perfect plan, with the help of your best friend. He made a gift basket with all your favorite snacks, movies, etc. When he arrived at your house it was 3 am but he wanted to make a point, that he would do anything for you. He knocked on your door waiting for you to answer, when you did you were beyond surprised to see him and even though you looked a hot mess he didn't care, and in the end you took him back.

Sammy- he has all his fans hashtag #YNforgiveSammy

The next day when Sammy realized that you weren't coming back he asked Nate for some advice. Nate had came up with the idea to trend the hashtag #[Y/N]ForgiveSammy, because he knew you were always on your phone. So Sammy tweeted out the hashtag and so did his fans and once he saw it was trending world wide he drove to your house were you guys talked about what had happened and you guys made up.

Jack G- he followed you everywhere (not in a creepy way) until you forgave him

After he sobered up a bit and realized what had happened he raced towards your house seeing your car in the drive way he knocked on your door until you opened it slightly annoyed, but as soon as you saw Jack you tried slamming the door shut only for Jack to force it open immediately explaining what had happened but you didn't want to hear it so you left, walking upstairs into your room but Jack followed making you even more annoyed. Jack had been following you for hours when you couldn't have it anymore and you snapped, but in the end you gave Jack another chance but he had many rules he had to follow if he wanted to gain your trust again.

Jack J- he makes a younow telling the fans to stop and that they took his happiness away

When you had left he was devastated, but he could only blame himself for not seeing how hurt you where. When he was checking your twitter he noticed all the hate you were receiving only to think that this was the reason why you had broken up with him. After a few hours Jack had gotten on YouNow crying telling his fans how disappointed he was to see all the hate towards you and told them how they took his happiness away from home. You had been watching his YouNow and when you saw how sad he looked you came back to his house, when he answered the door he immediately pulled you into a hug making you apologize for breaking up with him but he of course forgave you.

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