Jack G imagine

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He's sick and you take care of him


Jack had woken up coughing violently only to wake you up "Babe are you ok" you said pulling the blankets down only to see his body drenched in sweat "Your all sweaty Jack, come on sit up" you said pulling on his arm helping him lean against the headboard. As Jack sniffled you placed you palm against his forehead seeing that it was burning "You probably have a cold or something, I'm going to go get you some medicine" you said before walking downstairs into the kitchen getting 2 Advil's and a bottle of water before heading back upstairs.

Once you had gotten inside the bedroom you saw Jack rolled over on his stomach with his head stuffed into the pillows. "Sit up Jack I have your medicine" you said as you pulled on his shoulder making him groan in annoyance. Once he sat up he grabbed the pills from your hand and swallowing them down with water before rolling back over into the pillows, pulling the blanket back over his body falling asleep once again.

Once you had woken up you decided to make him some soup and crackers. You finished making his lunch before walking back upstairs into the room seeing Jack had woken up and had tissues plunging his nose "I made you some soup" you said as you placed the soup on his nightstand "Thanks babe" he said his voice deep and gravely causing him to cough before grabbing the soup and placing it in your hands "What are you doing" you said giving him a confused look "I'm to sick you have to  feed me" he said giving you a small smile, making some space for you to sit causing you roll your eyes laughing at him "You are ridiculous" you said before sitting down. After he finished his soup he cuddled his body into your side resting his head on your shoulder "I love you [Y/N]" he said before falling asleep with you running your hand through his hair.



Sick Jack = Cuddly Jack


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