Jack J Imagine

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He falls asleep on you


Jack had been very busy lately, with recording in the studio and getting ready for his tour. He was exhausted and all he wanted to do was go home and cuddle with you. Once Jack was done recording his part of the song he rushed home just wanting to sleep already, stepping into the house he set his backpack onto the floor slipping off his shoes "[Y/N] I'm home" he called out looking around for you "In here" you answered still reading your book. Jack came into the room flopping on the bad cuddling up into your sides resting his head on your shoulder "How was work" you asked closing your book seating it on the table by your bed "Exhausting" he answered before cuddling more into you causing you to wrap your arms around him smiling at how cuddly he was being today "How was your day" he asked you "Well after you left I cleaned the kitchen, then made some lunch-" before you could finished Jack had let out a loud snore causing you to look down seeing him fast asleep, you smiled placing a soft kiss to his forehead.



I feel like Jack would always want to be the little spoon.


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