Chapter 2: New Puppy

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Waking up, I did my normal routine and dressed in another sweater, which was light blue this time, and purple jeans. I made my tea and ate a bagel for breakfast again. I needed to go shopping for groceries. I can probably do that after I go to the pet store if I don't get a dog today. Washing the mug, I put it away and grabbed a jacket, leaving the apartment and the building. I woke up kinda late. It was 11 in the morning so most shops were already open. I walked into the shopping district of the town. There were tons of shops with people walking in and out, carrying bags full of items. This seemed like a very nice place to shop. I'll keep this in mind. I walked through the entire shopping district and I found a pet store that looked reliable. I walked in and instantly knew I would find a fluffy companion today. Walking through the store, I see tons of animals, from hamsters to snakes to fish to dogs. I make my way toward the dogs and smile slightly at the sight of the adorable fluff balls. They all seemed so happy and energetic and healthy. Looking through all the dogs, I notice one dog that I instantly fell in love with. He was a tiny Husky with two different colored eyes, a green and a blue eye. He was lying down in the far corner of his little cage and when I went up to the cage, he lifted his head and stared at me. The Husky's tail starts wagging as he gets up and walks up to the front of the cage. He stuck his nose between the metal bars and I gently touch it with my finger. His nose was wet. 

"Hello, sir. Do you need any help?" a girl says, standing next to me. She was in a work uniform and she seemed to smile brightly.

"I was thinking about getting a dog, and I wanted to know if I could see this Husky," I said, pointing to the puppy.

"Sure!" The girl opened the cage and picked up the dog. She pet him and he yipped happily. She handed me the dog and he sniffed me. I pet the small puppy and he licked my face. I laughed lightly and knew this was the right dog. 

"I think I'll take him," I said to the girl. She nodded.

"He is a very lovely dog. If no one took him by this Friday, I was going to take him. He's only 2 months old but he is very obedient. I'm sure you'll love him even more when he gets used to you. He also comes with some stuff like dog food and some toys. Is this your first dog?" the girl asked.


"Well, I can help you get anything else that you will need. You hold onto the little puppy and I'll go collect some things you'll need."

With that, the girl ran off, taking a basket and heading towards the dog aisle. I held the puppy in my arms and he started falling asleep. I chuckled. I began thinking of a name for him. What should I call him? The girl came back with a basket full of dog essentials.

"This is most of the necessary stuff. I can give you a discount since this is your first dog and I'll also allow you to take a collar and leash for free," she said. I smiled and thanked her. I carried the dog to the register since he fell asleep and the girl scanned each item. I payed her and signed a paper saying I was adopting the Husky. I chose a dark blue collar and a matching leash. The girl helped me put the collar on the sleeping puppy and attached the leash to it.

"What do you think you're going to name him?" she asked.

"I'm not sure," I replied, petting the Husky's head gently.

"He's really friendly. How about Buddy?"

"Buddy... That's cute. I like that."

The girl smiled and went to a machine. She typed something in and came back with a dog tag, saying 'Buddy'. She put the dog tag on the collar and pet Buddy one more time.

"Take care, little one. I know you'll have a good life because you have a good owner," she whispered to the dog. Buddy opened his eyes and licked her cheek, yipping happily. The girl smiled at me and waved as I carried Buddy and the bag of dog essentials out of the store. Quite a few people I passed smiled and awed at the sight of the small puppy. I made my way home and put Buddy on the floor, taking off his leash. He sniffed the floor and looked around the living room curiously. I smiled and went to my room. Buddy gladly followed me and sat by me as I set up his bed in my room, put his food bowls in the dining room, and his toys in the living room. I sat down on the couch and Buddy jumped up onto my lap. He seemed smaller than a normal Husky pup but he was perfect in my eyes. I pet him as he fell asleep on my lap. I looked at the script for my job and began memorizing some more lines. I even sang a few of the songs which Buddy seemed to like, due to his tail wagging when I sang, and stopping when I stopped. He must be a music lover just like me. I picked him up and carried him into my room, placing him on my bed. I grabbed my guitar and sat next to the small pup. He tilted his head cutely at me and began wagging his tail when I played the guitar. He yipped happily and seemed to smile. I stopped playing and he stopped smiling and wagging his tail. I kept playing and stopping to see if he would start and stop his tail wagging and he did every time. I put my guitar away and pet Buddy gently. He barked, or more like squeaked. He was a happy little puppy and I knew I made the right decision. He would definitely be a good companion. I'll have to train him to know his name and to do tricks and pretty much to behave. He probably isn't potty trained yet so I'll have to figure that out as well. This dog was a big responsibility and I was up for the task. Buddy curled up on my bed and fell asleep again. I smiled.

Suddenly, my phone rang. I quickly answered it.

"'Ello?" I said.

"Uh hey. It's Freddy. I was wondering if you'd like to join Chica, Foxy, and I on an outing. We were going to go out for lunch and then go to the park to hang out," Freddy said.

"Well, I have a new puppy and I don't want to leave him alone, so I think I'll pass for today. Thank you for the offer, but I'm going to have to decline." I heard Freddy sigh.

"Alright. Say, do you mind if we swing by your place to just say hi? We'll be like five minutes and then we'll leave you alone for the day if you wish."

"I don't mind at all. I could use some human company for a bit."

I gave Freddy my address and he told me they'd be here in about 15 minutes. I went around the apartment and made sure each room was clean and neat. Buddy woke up from his nap and followed me around. His little paws made small thumping noises every time he took a step on the wood flooring. He ran into the living room, taking a chew toy and running around with it. I watched him for a few minutes before I heard a knock on my door. I walked over to the door to reveal my boss and co-workers. I let them into the apartment and Buddy ran up to them, his tail wagging.

"Oh my gosh! He's so cute!" Chica exclaimed, kneeling down and petting Buddy. He yipped happily and ran around everyone's feet. 

"When did you get him?" Freddy asked.

"Just today actually. I've been wanting a pet since I moved, even before then," I said.


Silence fell over us. Buddy's nails made small clicking sounds on the floor as he walked around us. He eventually sat by my feet, wagging his tail.

"Well, I guess we should go. Would you like to join us?" Freddy asked.

"No thank you. I can't leave Buddy alone right now. Possibly some other time," I said. Freddy nodded and they left. I'm a little anti-social, but it's only because I am a little shy around new people. What's worse, it's my boss and co-workers continuously try getting me to talk to them. Don't get me wrong, I want to make new friends, however I just get really nervous. I went into the living room and sat on the couch. Buddy jumped up and lied down on my lap. He seemed to know I was a bit nervous. I gently pet him. I picked up my script and memorized a few more lines. It wasn't difficult. What I was worried about was actually performing and staying in character. Would I be able to do it?

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