Chapter 7: The Golden Rose

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It's been a few months since I first got my job. It's been really fun, especially since Chica, Foxy, and Freddy have been helping me along the way. We were currently closing up the pizzeria when a car parked right in the first parking space. A male with golden blonde hair and gray eyes got out of the car and walked inside. Chica looked over and ran to the male with open arms. I was a bit confused, especially since the male looked like a gold version of Freddy.

"Oh my gosh, Goldie! Why didn't you tell us you were visiting?" Chica asked excitedly. She was hugging the male, Goldie I assume, rather tightly. He let out a soft deep chuckle.

"I wanted it to be a surprise for you all. I heard a newbie recently joined you guys and I wanted to meet 'em," he says. His voice was deeper than Freddy's but it sounded nice and powerful. I watched as his stormy gray orbs scanned the room before locking gazes with me. He flashed a grin toward me and walked to me. "Purple, huh? That's pretty cool, dude."

He gently started playing with my hair and I felt a little uncomfortable. I moved away and accidentally bumped into someone. I turned and saw Freddy directly behind me who smiled down at me. His smile melted my heart and I couldn't help but grin as well.

"Bonnie, this is my brother, Gavin. We call him Gold or Goldie," Freddy says.

"Bonnie. Cute name for a cute man," Goldie says. I blushed slightly and looked away. A golden clone of Freddy, calling me cute... Well, duh! Of course I'm going to blush and feel flattered!

"Thanks..." I said softly. I took my guitar to the back room where my guitar case was. I wanted to pack up and also get away from any more comments. I needed to calm down. As my thoughts were racing around in my mind, someone followed me into the back room and gently placed their hands on my waist. I gasped and tried to move away but the person pulled me to their chest. I turned and saw it was Goldie, smirking at me.

"Hello, lovely. Just wanted to talk to you in private," he says.

"I'm sorry. Can we talk later? I need to pack and up hurry home," I say, trying to get away.

"This will only take a second. I wanted to invite you to dinner tonight, get to know the new worker.I'll be joining you guys for a year and I wanted to get to know the newbie to catch up with everyone else."

I stared into his gray eyes, getting lost in them. He smiled and caressed my cheek which only made me blush more. I looked away, not wanting to get hypnotized by the male's mystifying gaze.

"Sure. I'll go with you," I say. Gold smiled and gently kissed my forehead. My face heated up fast, turning bright red fast. He let me go and smiled. 

"I'll see you tonight then. We'll meet in the parking lot here, then go to a restaurant," Gold says, letting me go. He winked and left the room. I quickly began to pack up my guitar. By the time I was done with that, my face had calmed down a bit. Stupid Goldie... I wasn't sure whether I'd enjoy this dinner or absolutely hate it. With Goldie continuously trying to flirt with me, I'm sure I'm going to hate it. If only Freddy and I could go on a dinner date like this... Maybe I can go with him tomorrow. That sounds like a good idea. I left the back room and waved goodbye to everyone. Goldie winked at me again but I ignored it. I began walking home and tried to figure out how to ask Freddy on a 'date.' 

"Trying to think of what you're gonna wear at the dinner?" a feminine voice asks. I turn and see Chica had followed me.

"Uh, no. Something different actually," I say.

"Maybe it's wondering when you're gonna tell Freddy your feelings?"

"How the hell do you know?!"

"I'm a girl. I can tell when someone likes someone else. Come on. You should tell him soon."

"He'd never like me like I like him. Besides, it'll be awkward if he rejects me and we have to perform the next day."

"Freddy is a very understanding man. He won't let things be awkward between the two of you and I'm pretty sure he has some sort of feeling towards you. You won't know unless you tell him."

Chica was right. I would have to tell him one day or else I'd regret never telling him later. I sighed and decided I'd tell him tomorrow. Chica left to go home our little talk and I went into my apartment. I had to get ready for this stupid dinner. I didn't really want to go anymore however I did agree and it would be rude of me to not show up. I guess it's also a good idea to get to know Goldie as well though he was a little weird. I just hoped he wouldn't try anything. He had Freddy's face, handsome and strong like a rose.


I had met Goldie at the parking lot and he led me to a fancy restaurant. It wasn't as bad as I thought though. He really did just want to get to know me. He didn't try anything yet, though I had no idea what he was really trying to get at. He smiled the entire time, acting completely different from when I first met him. He asked me questions about what I liked and where I learned to play the guitar and I answered truthfully. He told me a few things about himself like he loved to sing along with his brother and that he was the older twin, however he was still a mystery to me. Finally, he walked me home after we had our dinner. It was just a normal friendly get together and I was grateful for it. 

"So, Bonnie, do you have a girlfriend or someone you really like?" he asks.

"Well, I have a crush on someone," I say.

"Mind telling me who it is?"

"I don't think I really want to tell you." He stopped and glared.

"Seriously? Just tell me who it is."

"I'm not telling you, Goldie. It's personal information that I don't just share with anyone."

"Bonnie, tell me who it is. I brought you to a fancy restaurant, kept my comments about how sexy you are to myself. It's the least you can do for me."

"No. I'm not saying anything about it. Now drop the subject." I began walking again, more quickly than before. Goldie grabbed my arm and glared at me.

"Tell me now..." He tightened his grip on my arm and it began hurting. I tried to move away but he had a firm grip on me. "You're not getting away from me until you tell me."

"Goldie! You're hurting me! Let me go!" I cried. I could already tell I'd have a bruise on my arm later. Goldie growled and reluctantly let me go. He got really close to my face and the once sweet look in his eyes was now replaced with one of hate and rage.

"Fine. But just so you know, I'll make your life a living hell at work tomorrow. So until you tell me, enjoy your punishment," he says low. He walks away from me and I immediately ran home. He was a rose. He had the face of someone I loved however he was dangerous like the thorns on the stem of a rose. I wasn't ready for what was to come tomorrow. And I wasn't about to let the golden copy of my crush get in my way.


(A/N) Heyo Balloons! Long time no see! Well, I'm back for a bit. I actually got a concussion so I wasn't supposed to be using any electronics for a while and I'm alright now. It wasn't a really bad concussion but eh. 

I also want to explain what I'll be doing. I will try to publish one or two chapters a week from now on and hopefully I can publish more in the future. However, I will work on this story the most. I want to finish it before moving onto the Goldie sequel and the Belonging series. This book won't go on forever though. I'm planning on finishing it soon. It's more of a shorter story than what I normally do but it was something I wanted to try. Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I'll do my best to make you all happy. BTW, there are probably mistakes. I'll go back later to edit them.

Catch you on the flipside,


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