Chapter 10: Finally...

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There was silence between us for a while, much more than I could bare. I wasn't sure what I should do so the silence kept up and it was slowly killing me. He doesn't like me... He doesn't like me... He doesn't like me... Those were my thoughts as I shook my head.

"Just forget I said anything, Freddy... I like being your friend and I don't want to ruin it..." I say, turning away however he grabbed my chin and pulled him towards me. Next thing I knew...

Freddy had pulled me into a kiss.

It wasn't rough and needy, but soft and filled with love. He seemed to know exactly what he was doing and I just stayed frozen. What do I do? Do I kiss back? Do I not? Do I pull away and run? What the hell am I supposed to do?! My mind was racing, my heart pounding. I finally felt my eyes flutter shut and I seemed to let my instincts take over. The world around us seemed to slow as we pulled each other close and I just didn't want this moment to end. However, air became a problem and we had to break away, panting and trying to catch our breath. He stared directly into my eyes and I felt so embarrassed that I averted my gaze.

"Bonnie... Why didn't you tell me sooner?" he asks. I sighed, seeing how he's known for a while now. I could just tell by his tone of voice.

"I was afraid you wouldn't want to be my friend and that things would get so awkward that I'd have to leave the job and friends that I love," I explain. Freddy pulled me to his chest and chuckled.

"But I really like you too. You're such a sweet and kind guy. What's not to love about you?"

"My terrible social skills?"

"Okay, your awkwardness is adorable and you know it." This caused us to both laugh. He pulled me onto his lap and we stayed like that for a while. Chica and Foxy came back and Chica squealed and giggled when she saw us. Foxy just grinned and gave me a thumbs up.

"Oh my gosh! You guys are sooooooo cute together!" Chica exclaims, jumping around and squealing with delight. She reminded me of a child who's had too much candy and was bouncing off the walls. She was so happy and excited.

"I'm proud of you, Fredward. You got a boyfriend," Foxy says. I chuckled softly and looked up at Freddy. To my surprise, he was blushing. I'd never seen him blush before and it amazed me how embarrassed he was about it.

"Shut it, Foxy. At least I'm in a relationship," Freddy retorts. Foxy just laughs.

"Didn't you know? I asked Chica out last week and we're dating now."

Freddy just huffed and looked away. I laughed and kissed his cheek, causing him to look at me and smile. His gorgeous smile always melted my heart, especially if it was toward me. I loved my boss and that was that. Nothing else could be as wonderful as this. 

We stayed at the park for a little while longer before we went our separate ways. Freddy brought me back to his house and he made dinner again for us, I helped a bit when I could and we ate together happily. We talked about me possibly moving in with him since the Goldie incident still hasn't been resolved and I had no problem with that. I felt a little bad since Freddy had to basically take care of me but he said I didn't need to worry at all. He then began cleaning up with I went to take a shower. I thought of the events that had happened so far since I had moved here. It's been amazing and I didn't regret my decision. When I got out of the bathroom, I asked Freddy is I could use his computer and he let me. I wrote an email to my family, talking about how much I loved being here and that I missed them very much. I told them everything that I could think of that they might be interested. But there was one thing I wanted to do.

"Hey, Freddy?" I called.

"Yeah?" Freddy responded, walking into the room.

"Can we take a picture?"


I took out my phone and Freddy stood behind me, bending down so his face was next to mine. He kissed my cheek and I smiled as I took the picture. I plugged my phone into the computer and uploaded the picture, attaching it into the email. I wanted to show my family how happy I was with Freddy.

"Can you set that as the background of the computer?" Freddy asked, smiling. I nodded and did so. I smiled. This was the best time of my life. I sent the email and sighed. It would be a bit before the replied but I couldn't wait for what they were gonna say. I looked up at Freddy and grinned. He pulled me to his chest and held me tightly.

"I love you so much, Bonnie... I have for a while," he says.

"Then why didn't you say anything?" I asked.

"Because I wanted to see if you would do it first." He chuckled and kissed my forehead. I pouted.


"But now I'm with you..."

He planted a kiss on my lips and I was in heaven. I couldn't believe he was actually with me.

And I never wanted this moment to end...


(A/N) This story is now complete! Though I do have an idea for a sequel. But it won't be happening for a while. I'm going to take a break from these two lovebirds and move onto two others: (Y/N) and Goldie. Once I finish that book, I'll come back to this one and do the sequel. At the same time, I'll work on the Belonging series since I have completely neglected that one. But anyway, I really hoped you enjoyed this one. I really loved writing this book for you all and it was fun to write in someone else's perspective and thinking like them. It was also fun to write a something other than an X Reader. Those are everywhere and popular but these stories get no love.

But anywho... Really hope you enjoyed the story! I appreciate all the comments and feedback you guys give me. It helps me realize that I can keep going and do great things for you all. So thank you. Thank you for reading the book and I hope you stick around for more. I am officially on summer break so that means definitely more writing.

Catch you on the flipside,


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