Chapter 4: Surprise Sleepover

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Another good day of work has gone by and the crew and I have actually gotten closer. We're all similar in some ways and our differences bring us closer together as well. I found out that Chica took private voice lessons as a child, Foxy is a voice actor, and Freddy wants to become a music teacher. It was quite interesting to learn about these guys since I'll probably be working here for a while. I did sign a contract saying I had to work there for at least 3 years before I can quit. I don't plan on quitting anyway.

We all sat on the stage in a circle with me sitting between Freddy and Chica and Foxy was across from me. It was snowing a lot and none of us wanted to get stuck on the way home so we stayed at the pizzeria, hoping this storm would let up.

"So, when did you start to dye your hair purple?" Freddy asked.

"I've been dying it since I was 13. I had a friend who had to move away for personal reasons and his favorite color was purple so, to honor him, I now have purple hair," I respond.

"Really? That's amazing!" Chica chirped. "I don't think I could do that for so long."

"Yeah. I haven't been in contact with him since he left but I heard from another friend that he might visit soon."

"Seems legit," Foxy said.

"This storm will not let up, will it?" Freddy said, looking at the door.

"Yeah. We have to get home before it gets too dark though," Chica said.

"Hey, maybe we can all go to my house. It isn't far from here."

"I don't know. I really should go home to Buddy," I say. Freddy nodded.

"Allow me to go with you. I want to make sure you're safe," he said.

"And I'll bring Chica home," Foxy said. Chica cheered and caused me to chuckle.

"Alright. So, shall we go then?" Freddy asked. We all agreed and Foxy and Chica left. Freddy and I checked the pizzeria for any damage or stragglers and thankfully, there were none. Finally, we locked the place up and went to my apartment. It was difficult, especially when Freddy slipped on some ice and fell. He tried grabbing something to balance himself, but he brought me down with him instead. We both laughed. The snow let up a little bit but it was still pretty heavy.

Finally, we got home and Buddy attacked us with affection. He would run around our legs and when I knelt down to pet him, he tackled me and licked my face. He was pretty powerful for a pup.

"He really likes you," Freddy said.

"Yeah. He's a playful little fellow," I reply, pushing Buddy off me. Buddy ran out of the room, probably to go drink some water since he was panting a lot.

"So, I don't think you want to walk home. You wanna stay over for the night?" I ask the taller brunette.

"If it's not too much trouble to you, that would be nice," he replied. I nodded and got up from the floor.

"I'll have you sleep in my room and I'll take the couch."

"No, it's fine. I'll sleep on the couch, Bonnie."

"Freddy, I insist. It's the least I could do for a friend like you."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure." I laughed and Freddy rubbed the back of his neck, embarrassed.

"I just feel a little awkward, that's all."

"No need to feel awkward, friend."

After that little conversation, Buddy ran over and started barking at Freddy. Freddy bent down and started playing with the little pup. It was cute.

I decided to go change the sheets on my bed. I'm a neat freak. If there's a mess in my house, it gets cleaned immediately. I changed the sheets, finding that I would have had to anyway because Buddy had gone to the bathroom. I picked up some things that were on the floor and put them back in their place.

I went back into the living room to find Freddy was asleep on the couch. Buddy was snuggled against him.

"That's adorable," I whispered to myself. I got a blanket and placed it over Freddy, knowing that I would never be able to move him. I decided to go to sleep as well, however I stayed in the living room. I lay down on a recliner and looked out the window. The snow let up a lot by now and it looked really pretty. I smiled, drifting off to sleep and looking at the snow falling.

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