Chapter 5: Living with the Bear

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"Hey, Bonnie. Wake up."


I shook my head and covered myself with a blanket. I heard a chuckle and someone pulled my blanket away.

"No..." I groaned, trying to find the blanket. I opened my eyes after having failed and was staring into a pair of bright electric blue eyes.

"Morning, Sleeping Beauty," Freddy said with a smile.

"Don't call me that," I muttered, blushing ever so slightly.

"Fine. But you do need to get up."

"Why? We don't have work today?"

"Bonnie, it's 10 in the morning. You can't sleep the day away."

I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at a clock. It was five after ten. Huh, I guess I did sleep a lot. I ran a hand through my lavender hair and sighed.

"Well, okay then. Is it still snowing?" I asked, looking out the window. It was still snowing...

"Yeah. I'll leave before tonight, don't worry," Freddy says, looking out the window. He then strided over to the couch and sat down, Buddy jumping up next to him.

"When did you wake up, Freddy?"

"About 7. I get up early everyday."

"Geez, dude. I'm not like that. Some days, I'll wake up in the afternoon."

"You sleep the day away. That's not good."

I shrugged. I got up and stretched, walking over to the window. I couldn't really see much outside. It was a blizzard. I sighed, turning toward Freddy. He was looking down at Buddy and playing with him. I smiled at the brunnette. He was really cute at times. His eyes showed a playfulness that he always had around kids, his hair framed his handome face...

Why am I thinking about these things? He's my boss, I thought.

"You were squirmimg a bit while you slept. Did you have a nightmare or something?" Freddy asked, looking at me with those beautiful blue orbs.

"Uh no. I just don't sleep very well, plus I'm not used to sleeping outside of my bed. You were out like a light," I replied, looking out the window.

"Hehe, yeah. I fall asleep really easily," he says with a nervous laugh. It got quiet and awkward again. I didn't know what to do. Normally, when stuff like this happens, I just sneak away and be alone, but this is my own house. I can't really go anywhere. I thought for a moment. Maybe I can get away for a bit.

"Hey, would you like some tea?" I asked, turning my attention back to Freddy.

"Sure," he said, petting Buddy who yipped happily. I nodded and got up, moving to the kitchen. I began making the tea when my mind began to wander back to my thoughts on Freddy. Could he even like me back? Do I even have a real crush on him?

I sighed, shaking my head and bringing the now finished tea back to the living room. I gave one cup to Freddy and sat back down near the window with the other one. It was silent for a while. And the silence felt peaceful. I heard movement, but didn't look behind me.

"Is everything okay?" Freddy asked.

"Yeah," I said, looking over to find him sitting next to me.

"I know you're normally quiet but you just seem a little awkward today."

"It's nothing, really."

Freddy nodded and looked out the window. I couldn't help but stare at him.

"Do you remember when we first met?" He asked, smiling at the thought. I nodded and looked out the window as well.

"Yeah, I remember."

It was kinda funny, how we met. At the auditions for the job, I was about to leave the building because there was no point in me staying. I had given up on trying and packed up my guitar before my audition. I walked past someone and hit their leg with my guitar case. I remember apologizing at least a thousand times, especially when I found out it was the boss of the entire place. I remember sitting down with Freddy and answering all his questions about me. He always laughed when I apologized and said don't worry about it. He smiled any time I looked at him. He was a caring guy. Finally, my name was called and he was the one who encouraged me to not give up. And, here I am now, hosting a 'sleepover' with my boss.

I heard Freddy chuckle and looked towards him. I tilted my head.

"Did you say something?" I asked.

"No. I said nothing," he replied. He smiled and ruffled my hair. I hissed slightly and smacked his hand away and he just laughed. Buddy ran over and jumped onto my lap. He barked and I pet him.

"How were you so lucky to find a puppy like him?" Freddy asked.

"I guess I was just in the right place at the right time," I said.

"I used to have a dog. He was a good dog."

"What happened to him?"

"He was really old and really sick so I had no choice but to put him down." Freddy had a sad look on his face.

"I'm sorry if I brought up any bad memories."

"It's fine." It went silent again and we just looked out the window, staring at the falling snow. We've literally been sitting here for about 15 munutes. I sighed, getting up when Freddy pulled me into a hug. I was too shocked to do anything but blush. After a few moments, he let me go, looking extremely embarrassed.

"B-Bonnie, I'm sorry... I just... have a tendency to... hug things when I'm upset..." he says, looking away. I didn't say anything. He sighed and grabbed his jacket, walking towards the door. "I'll just go... I'm sorry."

He reached for the door knob, but I ran up to him and grabbed his wrist, looking into his beautiful eyes.

"No. You can't leave. It's too dangerous with the blizzard still going on. I don't mind if you stay here for a few days, honestly," I said. "I don't want you getting hurt out there, Fred..."

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