Million Dollar Houses (The Painter) - PTV

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Million Dollar Houses (The Painter) by Pierce the Veil


Italics are lyrics
So each of the boys' preference for this is going to be slightly different because I only took like one or two lines for each of them and did a little twist that doesn't have a lot to do with the song itself I suppose.


C A L U M:

And your doctor won't stop calling me her medication
But baby no, sometimes things don't work out the way we planned

"Where's my baby?" You asked your husband.
He looked like he didn't know what to do. He sighed softly and shook his head.
"No," you whispered. "No."
"The umbilical cord was wrapped around its neck, couldn't get it off in time," he said softly, looking at his hands. "Baby, I'm sorry." He choked back a sob.
"Cal," you said weakly, reaching out your hand. He took it in his own, and you broke down in tears.
"I'm sorry baby," he repeated, trying to smile as the tears fell down his cheeks. "Sometimes things don't go the way planned them, I guess."


I've broken bones for you, and for you only
I make money, but fuck money we want love

You buried your face in your hands and tried to calm your breathing. You knew you shouldn't read hate, but this time you got curious. What did people really think of you? Lately people were saying the usual 'you're ugly' or things as such less and less. What were people saying a lot now? They were saying that you were only with Ashton because you were using him. Using him for his money. It was bullshit, and you knew it, but it still bothered you.
You heard Ashton come in the front door and took a deep breath. When you decided you were ready to leave your room you made your way to the kitchen where Ashton was making a sandwich.
"Hi," you said as you came up and hugged him.
"Hey, babe," he said.
You kept your arm around him as you watched him continue making his sandwich. "You know I love you, right?" You blurted out without thinking. Your face flushed and you looked up at him nervously.
"Of course I do," he said, furrowing his eyebrows and looking down at you. "Why? What's up?"
"Its nothing, I was just making sure."
"Making sure for a reason. Come on, what's wrong?"
You let out an overwhelmed sigh. "People have been saying I'm only with you because I'm using you," you mumbled looking at his sandwich, still lying on the counter.
"Hey, look at me. Don't listen to that stuff, its not true and we both know it, ok? Gimme a kiss," he said. You looked up with a small smile and pecked him on the lips.

L U K E:

I make money, but we just cant keep this home
Give me your heart and your hand and we can run!
We can run, we can run baby, run now

You and Luke had been living together for a few months now, and let's just say your parents weren't too happy about it. Your parents hadn't even given Luke a chance. As soon as they saw his lip ring, they refused to have anything to do with him. Of course this irritated you a lot, but the affect it had on Luke was a big one as well. He blamed himself for you not spending time with your parents, for not being invited to family gatherings. He blamed himself because the only time you heard from your parents, they were trying to convince you to leave him. It was his fault.
But it wasn't, and you knew that. It wasn't his fault your parents couldn't see past something they didn't like, or that you never had a very good relationship with them anyhow.
So when you saw Luke sitting next to the voice machine, listening to your mothers crude voice on the answering machine, looking ashamed, you turned of the machine and pulled Luke into a hug. "Let's run away together. Away from my mom and my dad, and every one else in my family who don't like the choices I've made. Let's move somewhere people accept us," you said.
He responded by holding you tighter and burying his face in your neck.

M I C H A E L:

So what if I was just a painter
Painting houses on the rich blue coast
Would you ever try to leave me
For somebody who deserves you most

Michael walked in the front door and made his way to the living room with a discouraged sigh. He knew he should trust Y/N, but once he got a thought in his head, it was near impossible to get it out.
"Hey, babe," Y/N called from the kitchen. She was warming up some leftovers from a few night before and smiled when she saw her boyfriend. "How was your day?"
"It was good," he said weakly.
Y/N's smiled dropped and she raised her eyebrows as if to say 'are-you-sure-you-aren't-lying-to-me?' "What's wrong?"
"Nothing just frustrated with a song is all."
"Oh..kay? Do you want anything to eat?"
"No, I'm fine, don't worry about it." With that he made his way to their bedroom and shut the door.
Why was he so stupid? Of course Y/N loved him! There was no way she was with him simply because he was in a band. When the two of them met she had no idea who he was, and she didn't find out until about a month into the relationship. But at the same time, what if she was only pretending not to know who he was? What if she didn't love him at all?
Michael sat and thought (more like argued with himself) for a long time. And Y/N let him think. She knew he would come out and talk to her when he was ready. Maybe. After an hour and a half of mindlessly watching boring TV shows and eating, she decided that she should make sure Michael hadn't starved to death all by himself in the bedroom.
Grabbing a plate of leftovers, she made her way to the bedroom and slowly opened the door. "Mikey? Babe?" She called gently. She opened the door further and stepped inside. "You hungry yet? I thought I'd bring this in in case you were..." she said, stopping in front of where he sat on the bed.
"I'm fine, thanks," he replied blandly.
Y/N left out a sigh and sat down next to him. "Babe? Come on you need to eat. Tell me what's wrong, yeah?"
"It's stupid you don't wanna hear it..." he mumbled.
"I don't care if your upset because your favorite ninja turtle poster got torn in half by a snail, its not stupid, and I care enough to want to hear it."
He chuckled airily and ran a hand through his hair. "Well I just... ugh, I just had a thought that you're only with me because I'm in a band, and that you don't actually like me. I don't know, like I said its stupid."
"Its not stupid," Y/N said softly. "Its just a tad bit crazy." She let out a quiet chuckle. "Michael, babe, I've been with you for over a year. If I was only with you because you're in a band, I would be gone by now. Besides, I love you," she said, tackling him onto the bed with a kiss, leftovers forgotten.


Okayyyyyy, so Calum's was short I'm sorry. I hope you guys like this, though.


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