Soulmate AU - Calum Hood Imagine

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Soulmate AU - Calum Imagine
So ik this is a preference book, but I got this idea and figured it would be easier to post it on here


Growing up you heard tales and watched movies of people finding their soulmate. You learned about it in health class. You learned about the intimacy of the black letters scrawled into your skin. You learned how precious and valued the mark was, compared to anything anyone had ever experienced. Anything you will ever experience.
In elementary school, the other children would gather closely and show each other their markings. Giggling and leaning close, as if whispering a scandalous secret to a friend.

Growing up you never got to experience this. You knew. Your parents knew. You didn't have a soulmate. You were to be alone for the rest of your life unless, by some miracle, God (or whoever was up there) gave you one.

You highly doubted you would ever find one, however. You had prayed to the high heavens, and nothing. No marking appeared.


Every person is born with something written on their skin. For some it is a name; an address; a phone number; a date. For others it is a phrase with seemingly no meaning; song lyrics; the title of a book or movie. The marking each person is born with, is written in their soulmate's handwriting.
Some know each other a long time before they realize they are soulmate's. Some people figure it out right away.
Some are born without a marking. These people don't have a soulmate, and are looked down on by society, much like the homeless or a pregnant teenage girl. They are seen with disgust, often times, and rarely with pity.


Growing up, Calum was conflicted. His marking was one never before seen. He didn't like it. Didn't like being different. His parents had taken him to doctors and specialists and everything under the sun to figure out what was wrong with his mark. To figure out how to fix it.

You see, Calum's mark was unreadable. Yes, you read correctly. Unreadable. From a distance, Calum's marking looked like a small paragraph on his wrist. But after taking a closer look it appeared the writing was smudged. Smudged like charcoal against his tan skin. There were clearly sentences written there, but they were letters could be determined. No handwriting style either.

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