You/He is Drunk

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You/He are/is drunk


So at least one of these is going to be cute and stuffs, but at the same time at least one of these is gonna kinda be a somwhat crack fic type deal if you get what I mean.


C A L U M:
Different forms of alcohol bottles litter the coffee table as the sun lazily crept through the curtains. Calum and yourself both held a bottle of the toxic liquid. You leaned towards him with a (not so) slightly drunk smile. He smiled back and leaned in as well, the two of you falling into each other. He wrapped his arms around your waist and you placed your arms around his shoulders. He started humming along to the old, cheesy music, smiling and swaying the two of you back and forth. You leaned up and kissed him. Well, kissing in a way that's more laughter than kissing, mouths moving lazily together, hands gripping tight.

A S H T O N: (this one isn't exactly being drunk, its more of what happens after I guess?)
You woke up with a throbbing head and a generally sore body. Looking over to your boyfriend of three years, Ashton, you immediately remembered some key events from the previous night. You sucked in a deep breath and your face flushed. What were you going to do??? This was definitely not a problem that most girls/women had to deal with, surely. Groaning, you make your way to the kitchen and take some headache relief. Leaning against the counter, you felt two arms wrap themselves around your waist from behind.
"Hey, babe. Gimme some of that?" He asked, resting his head on your shoulder. You handed him the bottle of pills.

The two of sat on the couch quietly. I mean, what were you supposed to say: 'oh, hey, Ashton, by the way, last night you got drunk and proposed to me and I honestly would have said yes had you been sober'? I mean come on! The two of you spent the rest of the afternoon in silence.

You were stuffing the Chinese takeout into your mouth (maybe just a bit over dramatically) when Ashton let out an 'oh yeah' and pulled out the same box he had the night before. You choked on your food.
"So, uh," he says awkwardly. "I know I asked you this last night, but I thought that since we're now sober you might wanna give me an answer? I mean I was planning this whole big thing, but I guess that's kinda ruined now, heh." He rubbed his free hand on the back of his neck.
"You knew the whole time??????" You asked, eyes practically bugging out of your eye sockets.
"Uh, hehe, yeahh"

L U K E:
You woke up at around three in the morning and noticed Luke wasn't beside you. He had, you remembered a moment later, gone out with the boys to grab a few drinks. You decided to get up and grab a glass of water. Walking into the hallway you heard a noise. You froze. Was someone breaking into your house? No, you tell yourself, maybe Luke is getting home just now. As you begin to make your make your way down the hallway, you noticed crushed, dead leaves littered the floor. Okay, this was kind of weird.
You entered the kitchen and flicked on the light. Low and behold, there stood Luke, wearing a sheet and hanging dead leaves above the doors and windows. You raised an eyebrow.
He turned to look at you. "Heeeyyyyy, babe," he slurred. You sighed and held back a laugh.
"Come on, sweets, let's go to bed."
"But I'm busy!" He whines.
"And I'm lonely and need someone to cuddle with," you said, mimicking his voice.
He let you lead him back to bed, flicking off all the lights on the way.
"Uh, hey Luke, by the way, why are you wearing a sheet?"

M I C H A E L:
The sound of fireworks being set off echoed loudly from your backyard, waking you up. You sat up on the sofa, still slightly drunk, and took in your surroundings. You were in your living room, alcohol just about everywhere. Oh yeah, you remember, the boys came over and we had drinks. You were slightly annoyed of the sound that had come from your backyard. You sighed. Then you jumped. Standing up, you stomped your way to the back door, flinging it open.
"MICHAEL CLIFFORD," you shreiked.
"Oh shit," someone said.
Another fireworks went off and lit up the sky. You saw the four, drunk, boys standing in the backyard across the lawn from you. They looked up at you in a panic.
"We're done for," you heard Calum say before you began to chase them.


So, yeah, let me know what you guys think? I feel like this one kind of sucked, haha.
Um, anyway, I'm free to post whenever now, so yeah.
Hope you liked it!


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