He Asks You Out

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He asks you out
Part two to 'How you meet' if you want. It could work by itself or with that one just so you know.


C A L U M:
You had received Calum's phone number a few days before, and the two of you had been texting a lot. Luke, who was your neighbor, invited you to hang out with him and the guys this particular day, and you were excited. You had met them all once before, and they were awesome, but Calum was gonna be there. You quickly dressed and met the boys at a nearby park. The lot of you spent the day goofing off and walking around. You eventually ended up at a small food court, and split off to get your own food. You decided on (favorite food vendor/type of food), and Calum decided to go with.
"So, what're you gonna get?" He asked. That triggered a conversation about which food was better and so on. Once you got your food, you began to head back to the others, but Calum stopped you.
"Uh, hey, would you wanna go on a date sometime?"
You smiled up at him and pecked his cheek. "I'd love that."

A S H T O N:
(Since Ashton asked Y/N out in the 'how you meet' one, this one is going to be like, planning/ him saying when where they're gonna go)
"Hello?" You asked the person person on the other end of the line.
"Hey! What are you doing tomorrow?" Ashton asked.
"Uh, probably nothing. Why?"
"I'm taking you out, like you agreed to last week."
You blushed, smiling at the memory. "Ok, how do I need to dress?"
"Casual? We're not going any where formal. I'll pick you up at around six tomorrow night?"
"Yeah that works."
"Good, okay, well, I'll let you go bye."
You said goodbye as well and hung up. You sat there for a few moments, gushing with excitement. Then you dialed your best friend best friend to tell him the news.
"Hey, Mikey, guess what!!"

L U K E:
(So, you may not care, but this one actually happened to me xD. This is exactly how I got asked on my first date with this girl, save for the fact she gave the Tupperware to me at play rehearsal, and I thought it was really cute so I had to include this, okay bye.)
You sat in Calum's living room, waiting for him to come out of the bathroom, when Luke walked in. When he saw you sitting there, he smiled and sat next to you.
"Calum's in the bathroom," you said.
"Well I didn't come here to see Calum this time," he said. You looked at him funny and he blushed. "I came here to see you. Um, here." He handed you a small tupperware container. "Um, that's for you, I'd like to say I made it, but my mom did and we had leftover so, hah. Um, well, I'm gonna go." He got up and walked out the door so fast you weren't sure that even happened.
You opened the tupperware and inside there was a small piece of cake, and over that saranwrap with a note attached that said 'text me' either his phone number.
You did.

A few weeks later, you and Luke had spending a lot of time together. One day he came and gave you another tub aware, and told you not to open it until you got home. 'The smell will alert attackers' he had said. You did as he said and didn't open the tupperware until you got home. When you did, you found a another note with a piece of cake, just like before. The note had a picture of a mango on it, and someone had wrote 'will you mango on a date with me?' next to it.

M I C H A E L:
You and Michael, who's name you had found out before ordering coffee, sat and chatted away. You had just met him today, here in the café, and had been talking nonstop. Eventually, though, it became time to go home, and you both were a bit disappointed. You exchanged phone numbers, and as you walked out the door together he paused and looked at you again.
"Would you wanna do this again sometime? But like, I don't know, as a date?"


So, like I said before the one in Luke's actually happened to me xD. I even posted what happened on Tumblr and she found it. So she freaking reblogged it and said 'hello pan girl it is I' and I was flipping out and stuff omg it was embarrassing xD

Anyway I hope you guys enjoyed this! I'm probably going to do a 'first date' one, and I might make it like a part 2(or three if you count the how you meet) to this one. But Idk, let me know what you guys think? Should I do that?


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