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___'s P.O.V

I woke up to an annoying alarm clock and a frustrated Haruhi. I stopped the alarm clock and flipped myself around, ignoring Haruhi trying to get more sleep and avoid having to get up early. Seeing as she obviously knew I would just ignore her she did the one thing she always did. She yanked the covers from me and a "THUD" was heard from the impact of me falling onto the floor.

Sitting up and rubbing the back of my head, I only looked at her to glare. It's times like these that I wish my father didn't give Haruhi the apartment key. Then again if it weren't for Haruhi, the last few years I just would've just never had gone to school. Even if it meant I did have to endure the hard falls onto the floor. But when it's been done for a couple years you start to get use to to it. I guess.

My father worked early in the mornings, leaving Haruhi in charge of waking me up. Little did he know the 'angel' Haruhi became the devil during these times. She always woke me up earlier then needed and never hesitated to harm me in the process of doing so.

Honestly, the least she could do is count down so I didn't get hurt every single time. She probably doesn't intend to always hurt me, but with my stubbornness, in a way I can't blame her.

I sighed and Haruhi started yelling about being late and wanting to get there to study and make sure she found a quiet place. I got up and saw that she was practically already ready wearing an old brown sweater, her glasses, black pants, and a white shirt under. I wonder why her hair didn't even looked combed, but then again I don't care much for appearances and neither does she. I shrugged the thought away and nodded to her.

"I'll be down in five Haruhi." I told her and she headed downstairs to wait.

I yawned and rolled my eyes to get over how early it was. I headed to the bathroom and decided to take a quick shower and to style my hair a bit, since we do have time. After I finished up I came out and saw that I had one more minute before Haruhi comes up and sees me like this.

I hopped out the bathroom with the towel around my waist and another on my shoulders. Really what chest did I have to cover? And I basically lived by myself, I really didn't care. Whatever, I started to scavenge through my closet and find some kind of attire. In the process I found a comfortable outfit, enough to let me get through the day with a possible nap while Haruhi studies.

I got on a pair of black pants, a white undershirt, and a plain black sweater to put on quickly. Lastly I found a bracelet from the only trip me and Haruhi ever took with each other.

 Lastly I found a bracelet from the only trip me and Haruhi ever took with each other

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(Imagine with Green Eyes)

I quickly slipped on my boots and headed downstairs. I went to the couch Haruhi was sitting on and got my phone and my grey satchel, making sure to sling my headphones on my neck.

Haruhi was already wanting to go before we were late so I quickly swiped two pieces of toast. Man it was only an hour and a half before school started but no she wanted to wake me up early. You'd think she'd at least let us pick up breakfast of some sort on the way there, but however she just wanted to walk straight there. I gave her a piece of toast while eating mine.

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