Day With The Hitachiin Twins?

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Filler chapter with the twins :)

Today I woke up myself, unusually not thrown off my bed. I decided to check around to see if she had came at all, and saw Haruhi downstairs making our bentos. I quickly got on my uniform and put on fingerless gloves I found on sale at the other day at the market. I got my satchel and packed it up, placing my headphones around my neck. We started to walk to school, and as we got near the entrance once again I saw the familiar pair of gingers.

"Hey Haruhi, ___." The two said. My right eyebrow twitching at their unison.

"There's not a day I don't see these twins." I muttered to myself.

I turned to my left to give Haruhi a look, only to notice Haruhi wasn't there. I started looking side from side fast only to realize, Haruhi ditched me! I readjusted my headphones on my neck sighing. The devils came on both of my sides, hooking their arms with mine and started to walk off with me. Much to my displeasure. All my classes had the twins in them and I was not thrilled. After each and every class they were always there and would not stop dragging me.

"Why are you guys following me!" I asked annoyed as I started to walk for myself finally.

They look at each other and shrugged. "Because we feel like it." I sighed at their bland answer.

"At least talk it's dead silent." They both looked at me on deciding what to ask.

"What's your favorite color?"


"Favorite snack?"


"Ever had a boyfriend?"

"Irrelevant- wait. Don't you mean girlfriend?" I asked curiously turning to face them behind me.

"We know your a gi-"

I covered their mouths and lead them outside before they could finish. But I had immediately let go when they licked my hands. I stared at them blankly and innerly disgusted. "You guys are disgusting." Also muttering silently about how I had just gotten these gloves, but now they were unfortunately soiled.

They shrugged once again. "How long have you known?" I asked while taking the gloves off of my hands and into the pockets of the uniform, but still not feeling satisfied.

"Since you kicked us out of the dressing room." The answered looking amused at my actions.

"I have no doubt Kyoya knows. He knows everything but he hasn't blabbed." I shrugged and looked back up at them, "Why didn't you say something before?"

Hikaru chuckled, while Kaoru only shrugged clearly trying not to laugh.

"It was more fun this way."

I glared at them thinking of how it would've been easier with the costumes if they had just told me. But I can't change that so I just shook my head, "Anyways just don't tell."

They smirked. "What if we do."

I fake smiled back at me. "If you tell you'll regret it. I don't have to really explain that." I said with a threatening tone. They threw glare at me, but nodded along anyway.

"Well.. I'm glad you guys know I guess." I said failing at hiding a small smile.

Kaoru slightly turned pink and Hikaru was laughing to himself. I hummed questioningly looking at them. Neither gave a response, but Kaoru turned away as Hikaru continued to snicker. I went behind them deciding not to ponder on it too much and wrapped my arms around their shoulders. "Well let's go or we'll be late." I said walking away with them.

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