Chapter 1

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Sybrina ripped her bonnet off and tossed it on her bed.   She studied how the beautiful dress, blue like a robin's egg, clung to her voluptuous figure, as she undid her afternoon gown.
At least the one saving grace of her father, when she lived with him, was the extravagant purse string he allowed her, to buy the latest fashionable gowns New Bond Street had on offer. She removed the silk under garments and washed her face and neck and upper body with the basin of cold water and hurriedly slipped into her evening shift, before she froze to death. Hot water was a luxury she took for granted in her father's mansion. Here at the orphanage she did not expect luxuries and received none.

Sybrina pressed on the knocker, and the door was immediately opened by a footman. She duly handed her calling card, and waited to be announced. If the footman frowned upon the young unescorted lady visitor, he was too well trained to allow his facial expressions to show evidence thereof.


'Baroness DuPont,' Sybrina greeted politely.

'Thank you Francine.   We will have tea in the ladies withdrawing room please,' Baroness DuPont requested.

'Sybrina it's always such a pleasure to see you,' she hugged her warmly.

'Thank you Baroness__'

'Sy it's not fair you insist I call you by your given name, I demand the same!'

'Ok Claudia, thank you for accepting my request,' Sybrina laughed.

'How are you doing?' Claudia clasped her hands into her friend's. 'Have you gone back home?' she asked with concern.

'No.' Sybrina spat out defiantly.

'Sy, the orphanage is no place for you, you will waste away there__'

'Would you rather I be married off to a senile old man that prefers the company of his bottle of whisky than his wife?'

'Surely it can't be that bad.'

'Not every girl is blessed to have a wonderful doting husband like you. Let's talk about something else please,' Sybrina requested, as the maid entered with refreshments.

'Thank you Francine,' Claudia accepted the tray.

'You obviously have something on your mind,' Claudia prompted, as the maid departed.

'Yes. I need you to speak to your charming husband to lobby for some funds to mend the gutters at the orphanage.'

'Oh you know Ralph adores you, and won't say no to your request,' Claudia grinned.

'I don't know, perhaps he can discreetly garner some support from his friends who frequent at Almack's. I think the costs could be astronomical.'

'Sy,' Claudia's eyes sparkled, like she had a bee in her bonnet. 'I'm having afternoon tea on Thursday with the Dowager Chauncey. She always likes to be seen doing charitable deeds.'

'Gertrude Chauncey , Countess of Cavendish ?'
The Rake's Mother!

'The one and only,' Claudia laughed, 'I know she has that bad habit of rudely surveying every female with such critical thoroughness, suspecting every girl wants to become betrothed to her very eligible heir.'

'And don't they?' Sybrina retaliated.

'Do you?'

'I__I've never met him,' Sybrina mumbled.

'We can remedy that on Thursday,' she teased conspiratorially

'No!' Sybrina rejected, raising Claudia's suspicions.
'Well, what I mean, 'Sybrina swallowed convulsively, 'I don't wish to answer any questions about myself.'

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