Chapter 2

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'We will not be too long will we my lord?' she asked when he promptly arrived at two, looking very smart again. This time the carriage was being pulled by his Arabian greys.

'Do carry a spencer madam? Although we will be back before the sun will set, but I have a basket of refreshments,' he smiled so courteously, she almost mistook him for a gentleman.

'My lord this is Harriet, one of the young adults in Mother Agnes' care.'

'Good afternoon my lord,' Harriet curtsied, her eyes slyly blushing as she met his.

'A pleasure to meet you Ms. Harriet,' he briefly kissed her wrist and almost immediately released her hand, and while he was indulging in the greeting, Sybrina hurriedly entered the carriage, so the Earl would not attempt to greet her.

His eyes locked with hers as if telling her he saw through her ruse.   She looked away, and the Earl held the carriage door, so Harriet could climb in. Harriet took the seat next to Sybrina, the earl comfortably to the middle of the seat opposite Sybrina. The phaeton was large, comfortable and spacious, yet the Earl's knee still managed to touch her leg.  She shifted away sliding to the edge of her seat, as close to the window as she could get. Harriet was chirpy and eagerly engaged the Earl in trivial talk. She was talking to him about the theatre, and the circus that had just come into town, and about an art festival that the orphanage was raising money for. He listened attentively, making appropriate comments when he deemed it necessary.

Sybrina sat quietly.  Too aware of the Earl's presence, not adding to their conversation.  She looked out the window pretending to admire the scenery, but saw nothing as her mind was sharply in tune with the  passenger who sat directly across her with his knee opportunistically knocking against hers every time his greys took a sharp bend around a corner. He was dangerous was this excuse for a gentleman, good looks, well bred, extremely wealthy, an irrefutable lineage.

Women considered it an honor to have the attention of this rake and surprisingly, every mother who'd given birth to a lass had aspirations of ensnaring the Earl, in the hope he'd offer for one of their daughters. It was a slight blessing in that regard Sybrina reflected that she did not have her mamma around, nor did she wish to be wed to him, or to any other male, gentleman or not. Not if her excuse for a parent or the vile old men he paraded in front of her were considered husband material.  Her father's only interest was to expand his wealth and estate.
No, she shivered, rubbing her palm across her elbow, best she keep her distance from this dangerous gentleman.

'Are you cold madam?' the Earl had his coat out and extended towards her before she could respond.

Keeping her distance was going to prove easier said than done she realized, as his eyes locked with hers challenging her to reject his chivalrous act.

'Thank you, my lord,' she spoke softly, making sure not to touch his fingers as she took his jacket, and draped it over her chest. He still would not release her eyes, as she tried with difficulty to tear hers away. Sybrina instinctively sought to graze her cheek against the shoulder of his jacket, as the aromatic scent of his cologne tickled her nostrils. She wanted to close her eyes and take her fill inhaling the scent of him__.

Sybrina jerked herself up and looked out the window, vaguely noticing some new trees sprout their shoots, the warm afternoon sun penetrated the window still teasing over her skin. It was a wonderful day, just the day for lovers__.

Count Hail Mary's, or mentally try to balance the books of the orphanage __


'I'm sorry?'

'We will stop at the brook ahead, and take some refreshments,' the Earl informed Sybrina with an annoying grin creasing his eyes.

'Thank you my lord,' she replied politely, not knowing what else to say.

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