Chapter 11

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Why are you wearing this?’ the Earl waved his hand distastefully at her widow’s outfit, ‘when you know I wanted you in the blue gown,’ he growled harshly in her ears.  Alexander had held her back, gripping her wrist, after he assisted the duchess into his phaeton.

‘Oh I thought you’d have your hands full with your lover and would not even note my presence, let alone what I’m wearing,’ Sybrina jerked her hand out of his and hopped onto the phaeton, before he could retaliate.

‘You’re going to be long in town your grace,’ Sybrina ignored Alexander and made meaningless conversation with the duchess who sat closely next to the Earl across from Sybrina.  She looked everywhere else, not wanting to see how closely they sat next to each other.

‘You love horses Sybrina,’ the duchess smiled, ‘why don’t you convince Alex to bring you to the races on Saturday?  I can’t seem to convince him to change his mind,’ she pouted.

So you will just use me to get him there so you can have your hands all over him!

Sybrina cast her eye to the Earl, he seemed in a foul mood, ignoring her and the duchess.  When the duchess had indicated that she liked horses, his head swung to hers.

‘I should think you know he can’t be influenced,’ Sybrina looked into the Earl’s eyes challengingly.

‘Oh I dare say he has your ear Sybrina,’ she laughed, ‘he certainly can’t keep his eyes off you either.’

Oh don’t be fooled, he has his eye on every pretty little thing!

‘He’s right here, ask him yourself,’ Sybrina retorted.

‘Alex darling, what can I do to change your mind?’ the duchess boldly lifted her fingers to his cheek caressingly.

Sybrina wanted to be sick.  She wanted to jump off  the phaeton, whilst it was moving at a very high speed.

‘I told you, your grace, Sybrina and I have a previous engagement,’ Alexander tactfully removed her hands from his face.

What plans?  I don’t know about those plans!

‘What is so important that you can’t cancel, Sybrina?’ the duchess asked in an annoyed tone.

Sybrina stared at the Earl. He did not even show the least discomfort, that she was being questioned about something she knew was only a figment of his imagination.

‘The Earl has promised to erect a playground for the children at the orphanage,’ Sybrina’s eyes held the Earl’s.

‘Ah ever the benevolent philanthropist aren’t you darling?’ the duchess purred.

‘I can build a baby crib for you as well, your grace, just say when,’ the Earl taunted.

The duchess glared at him and shifted away, bringing a grin to Sybrina’s face, which she quickly covered with her hand across her mouth. 

Sybrina continued to ignore the Earl as did the duchess, but when they got to the musicale, the duchess forgot her anger and clung to Alexander as if he were her husband.  Sybrina quietly walked a step behind them, allowing the duchess to have a free reign with her so called fiancé. 

‘My lady, would you like something to drink?’ the Earl politely asked , even though his eyes informed her how annoyed he was with her manner.

‘I’d love some coffee thank you my lord,’ Sybrina smiled sweetly.  She did not want anything, but she thought it a good trick to separate the duchess from clinging to the Earl.

‘Your grace?’ The Earl placed his arm respectfully at her elbow.

‘I’m fine thank you Alex,’ she declined.

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