Chapter 19

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The staff, especially Cook and Mr Charles was falling over themselves being nice to her this morning. Could it be because the entire household now knew that her husband had spent the entire night in her bed? She was not particularly hungry this morning, but Cook had laid out a spread for her as if she had been on a ten day fast.

'I cannot possibly eat all this food Cook,' Sybrina complained.

'You need your strength countess, and you need the nourishment,' she gleamed knowingly.

Oh I am not with child, for heaven's sake!

Mr Charles was at her other side serving her a glass of milk, not tea as she would have loved.

'I prefer tea,' she objected, but when she saw his countenance fall, she relented. 'Fine Mr Charles. I'll take the milk.'

'Thank you countess,' his smile lit up his normally stoic looking face. 'We want you to be in good health countess.'

'Where is my husband?' She knew he was not in his chamber. She had peeked through the library door, he had not been there either.

'The earl is attending to some business matters countess,' the butler politely replied.

He had really turned one hundred and eighty degrees did Mr Charles. Previously if she had dare ask him if the sun was shining, a scowl would appear as wide as the east is from the west, on his face. Sybrina wished some of it would rub off on the dowager. She really was a right royal pain like arthritis in the knees.

'I will be in the garden Mr Charles.'

'Countess please put your hat on, and keep out of the sun.'

Yes sir. Three bags full sir! Drat!

When she really was with child, Mr Charles and Cook were going to drive her batty.

'Barkis,' Sybrina smiled, 'how is little Spencer doing?'

'Morning Countess. 'He is doing just fine. Thank you for healing the bairn,' he bowed profusely.

'It was no trouble at all,' Sybrina smiled politely.

'Countess, if I may be so bold, you are like a ray of sunshine at Cavendish Castle. Mr Charles says even the Earl is happier and smiles more often, since he married you.'

Did he now?

'Thank you Barkis,' Sybrina offered him another polite smile.'

''Excuse me countess, while I check on the lads working,' he tipped his hat.

Sybrina strolled around her flower garden. She loved the conservatory that Alexander had built for her. He had added a comfortable bench for her to sit and take tea.

In the early evening, it was wonderful to relax there and gaze at the multitude of the stars clothing the sky. Once or twice Alexander had joined her there, it had been extra special having him there. Sybrina picked some rose buds for the table in the receiving lounge. The miniature sweet peas look attractive. She would put a bunch in her chamber.

I wonder how Alexander would feel if I put a bunch in his library?

'What are you so deep in thought about my wife?'

Speak of the devil__or think about him.

Sybrina turned around, 'my lord, I thought you were attending to business.'

'I was,' he draped his arms around her waist, and planted a lingering kiss on her lips. 'The Duke of York, would like us to visit in London for a few days.'

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