Chapter 4

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'Will you not tell me where we are going my lord?' Sybrina was sure the route looked familiar to her.

'We're going to Cavendish Castle,' he smiled handsomely.

'But the Countess will be there and your staff,' Sybrina exclaimed.

'The Countess is out visiting. My staff are discreet. I pay them highly to be so.'

Sybrina was pleased she would not have to deal with the dowager. She could still remember the dowager's critical head to toe inspection, when she'd last visited.

'You won't ride with me in an open carriage. You're too ashamed to be seen with me in public. So I have no choice but to entertain you in my private home,' he declared.

'Why couldn't we have just have had a meal at Mother Agnes'?''

'With Mother Agnes' ever watchful eye on me and every other person demanding your attention. I don't think so.'

It was true. She never had a moment to herself in the orphanage. Either the cook, or the grounds men, or one of the children had some need that demanded her time. He was very observant, was this man.

'What are we going to do?' Sybrina asked nervously.

'We're going to have a meal and enjoy each others' company,' his eyes locked with hers. 'Perhaps you will play the pianoforte for me. I believe you have a beautiful voice as well,' he grinned.

Now who's been feeding him information? Harriet!

'I don't think I want to play my lord,' she murmured.

'If you play, I'll sing,' he offered.

He had an endearing baritone voice. She could just imagine herself sitting at the piano, him sitting next to her. Their shoulders brushing. His lips so close to her cheek. Her lips so close to that irresistible scar__. Uneasily her eyes roamed over him, as he sat across from her in his carriage. His hands rested casually on his thighs. His shoulders leaned in a relaxed manner against the backrest of the seat. He looked lazily across at her, his eyes half closed, but she was sure he was still able to watch her like a hawk. Sybrina swallowed nervously, and dragged her eyes away to stare out the window.

'So you've lived a long time at the orphanage?' he enquired a little later, when she thought he was possibly falling asleep.

'No, just less than a year,' Sybrina breathed heavily.

'You're an orphan?' his voice was soft, compassionate.

'Are you going to enter your powerful greys in the Circus Maximus chariot race my lord?'

He smiled, intrigued at her artful dodging of his question.

What are you hiding madam. That you're a poorly maiden from the wrong side of the track? Oddly your social and economic circumstances don't bother me, though it should.

'Do you think I should enter?' he drawled. 'My greys are powerful Arabian race horses. They would have an unfair advantage.'

'Rules should not disqualify one, because of __ prowess,' her eyes met his.

Is she referring to my horses or me? Could she be flirting with me?

'I'm looking forward to the opportunity then,' he responded right back. Whatever her innuendo insinuated.

It was just as well the chariot stopped, and his footman was there to assist them out, for she did not have a smart come back for him. Sybrina inhaled deeply, not feeling confident to do battle with the dowager if she arrived back. She would certainly not approve of her being there unchaperoned. She would most certainly make her objections felt about the likes of someone from the orphanage presuming to attract the attention of her heir, more to Sybrina's point a rake! Frighteningly a rake, that seemed to make her feel and desire what a maiden should not.

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