Chapter 6

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'My child, what are you still doing up at this late hour?'

Sybrina smiled at the gentle, pot bellied man.  Life had been good to him, the deep creases around his eyes, reflected a man, who'd lived a happy life.  He'd aged well. He still looked fit as a fiddle.  Whilst most men half his age started losing their mane of hair, he still had a full crop, though completely grey.

'Father Timothy, sorry did I wake you?

'I saw the reflection of the candle light and wondered who was in the church. Are you troubled my child?' Father Timothy smiled compassionately.

Yes.  I'm troubled about the feelings I have for a certain rake.  A man I know you'd think is Lucifer's twin.

'I couldn't sleep.  It's so peaceful here,' she put on a happy smile.

'Is your parent putting more pressure on you my dear?'

'Not more than the usual Father,' she avoided looking at his eyes.  Not wanting him to know the true reasons for her troubled state.

'This orphanage is no place for you my dear.  It is not right that you walk away from what's yours.'

'All I own will just go to the man I marry in any event Father.  There's no justice in it.'

'It is not the will of the good Lord that you perish away here child.'

'Do you not want me staying here Father?'

'You know Agnes and I love you, like you were our very own,' he smiled, 'you deserve so much more dear.'

'I am happy here Father, truly I am.'

'It is almost the hour for the sun to rise, yet you have not been to bed.  That is not the sign of one who is happy.'

Sybrina had not gone up to her bed.  She knew she would toss and turn and sleep would not come.  So she sought solace in their little church.  When she'd wanted to leave from the Duke and Duchess of York's home, the Earl had insisted on taking her home.  She had categorically refused, even though every fiber in her wanted to go with him.  He had pinned her in a corner in the shadows and demanded to know why not.  She wanted to lie to him, like she was lying to herself, eventually no words would come, so she'd pushed him aside and escaped, returning with Lady Claudia and Lord Ralph.

'I think I will rest for a few hours.  Good morning Father,' Sybrina escaped.

The Earl paced around his library in frustration.  Damn it !  What game was Sybrina playing with him?  He knew she wanted him, as he wanted her?  He could see it in her eyes.  Why else had she so unreservedly kissed him that way when they'd dined together.  He will just have to employ a more persuasive tactic that's all.  He observed the way he just had to touch her, and all Sybrina's resistance melted away.  Whatever her game was, he was onto her.  She will be his no question about it.

Another thing that perturbed him was, why nobody was able to find any information on the Lady Artemis?  It was more than a month and nobody could find her, let alone any information about her.  It's as if she had vanished off the face of the earth.  It's like she'd come to the masked ball and then just left the earth all together.  The Earl was loathed to use under handed tactics, but it seemed he had to play the only remaining hand he had left.  He had learnt who her partner was.  The Earl was a determined man, he knew just how to persuade  the man in question.  He was well informed that the man was not averse to a bag of gold coins.  The Earl could afford to lose a few gold coins.  Hell he was prepared to offer the man ten bags of gold coins.  The information he wanted was of greater value to him than a small quantity of gold.  He had plenty of that.  It would not dent his purse even in a small way.   Alexandra rubbed his hands together.  He could smell victory.  Infact he could taste it.

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