Say You Want Me

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Rapunzel's POV

I was walking to the conference room when someone grabbed me by my arm. I groaned loudly and looked at my back only to see Flynn.

My face softened a bit and he smiled slyly at me. I looked at the ground and saw how shiny his black shoes were.

"I'm sorry, Sir Flynn.." I apologized. He chuckled a bit and looked at his expensive wrist watch. Even I looked at it.

"It's already 7:30 P.M.. You should go home." he told me and I looked at his face. He was grinning at me and I looked at the door at my back.

"But, sir, I still have a meeting to attend." I told him.

"I'll attend the meeting for you. You are dismissed." he told me. I shook my head. I was really worried I might get fired.

"Don't worry. You have attended the meeting for me earlier this morning and I have to attend this one for you.." he said thoughtfully.

It was true. He was late this morning and I had to tell the businessmen a lie. I just told them that I really was the one assigned for that meeting.

"Even though, sir. It's my job to-." I stopped talking when he put his habd on my shoulder.

"I said you are dismissed, Ms. Corona. I know you're tired and please.. Just accept this offer as a thank you." he said.

I was tired and at the same time thankful. I gave him a smile and shook his hand.

"Thank you, Flynn..." I said. I realized that I had called him by his name without Mr. Or Sir. I was about to talk again and he stopped me.

He looked around us. He then looked at his back then at me. He faced me and gently put a kiss on my forehead. I was too shocked that I didn't react or move.

"Thank you again, Rapunzel. Good night." he finally said and entered the room. I am now looking at the door and bit my lower lip.

"Sir Flynn...." I whispered with a smile on my face.

He had been showing small affections to me and it was making my heart beat wildly on my chest. But I don't want to think of something more...

Jack's POV

I'm layig down on bed and I'm looking at the ceiling. I'm still thinking about that letter. Could it be....him?

I hope not. It's been two years since I last saw him. And I don't want to see that face ever again.

He was the kind of nightmare where you would really get scared. Where you fell like you don't want to sleep ever again.

I stood up deciding to go to the kitchen and get a drink. When I went to the kitchen, I opened the lights and opened the small fridge. I got a water bottle and opened it.

I let the water slide down on my throat and sighed. In my peripheral vision, I saw something. It was too fast and I stopped for a moment. I heard a cracking noise and I shivered.

The Grudge?

Or is it him?

I went to check it out and when I opened the lights in my small living room, I saw how a person plopped himself into the couch.

I went to that couch and was zhocked to see who it was.

"Elsa?.." I whispered and she groaned.

What is she doing here? I looked at my apartment door and saw that it was open. I went to it and locked it.

Did I forget to lock that door?


I knelt down beside her.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Ugh, oh hey Jack!" she giggled and I smelled something. She's drunk. Really drunk.

"How did you know where I live?" I asked her.

"Doesn't matter." she said and my eyebrows furrowed. She then sat up and put her arms around my neck. She was smirking at me and her eyes were close to closing.

''Say you want me.'' Elsa whispered seductively and the look on her eyes changed. I was a bit shocked to hear her say this but it also gave me a new feeling. I just shook my head and chuckled at her.

''You're drunk, you should rest.'' I said and stood up. She held my hand and pulled me to her which surprised me.  But what most surprised me is when I realized that my lips were on hers.

Her lips were softly responding against mine and I could taste the beer she drank. But I didn't get drunk because of it, it was her.

Then, I felt how she stopped and I pulled away. When I looked at her, I saw how her eyes were closed. I slowly stood up and went to grab a blanket. I slowly put it on her and adjusted her head on the pillow.

Since she is sleeping in the living room, I'll be sleeping here too. I'd feel bad if she sleeps here and I'm sleeping in my room. And I'm fuck*ng tired so I can't carry her to my room. Well, she might even hate me if she wakes up with some photographer beside her.

I put my sleeping bag on the floor right next to the couch where she's sleeping and smiled a bit.

''Yeah, I do want you..'' I whispered.

It was kinda different for me when I said that. It was in a different way of want. And I don't know what kind of way.


''Ugh, my head.'' I heard a loud groan waking me up. I looked at the couch where Elsa was and saw that she was already awake. She was covering her face with a pillow and I shook my head while grinning.

''Basically, that's what happens to people getting drunk when they wake up in the morning.'' I said and she removed the pillow from her face. She got her bag and took a medicine. She was about to put it on her mouth when I stopped her.

''I'll get you a glass of water.'' I said before I hurriedly went to my small fridge and got another water bottle. When I went back to the living room, I stopped on my tracks. 

Elsa stood up and now, I just noticed her wearing a club dress.. a sexy one. I bit my lower lip and went closer to her.

''Here.'' I said and handed her the water bottle. She gladly took it and drank the medicine. 

''Thanks.'' she said.

''How'd you get here last night?'' I asked and she pouted a bit. Effin' cute.

''Well, all I could remember was.. I was in a club partying, then a guy approached me and offered me  a drink. I accepted the drink, we partied then he said he was going to drive me to his house.'' she said and my eyebrows furrowed.

''Do you have anyone with you here?'' she asked and rubbed her temples.

''No, I live here... alone.'' I said and she looked at me.

''What? Then, who the hell brought me here?'' she asked. 

I looked outside the window and I bit my lower lip. He might be planning something.

Author's NOTE

ooh, what do you think happened?


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