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Elsa's POV

Jack was sleeping on the couch and I smirked. I ran back to his bedroom and searched at his drawers. I saw some sticky notes and I got a pen. I wrote 'Thank you again.' on it and went to where Jack was. I softly put it on his forehead. I was holding my laughter and a soft giggle escaped my lips.

I went outside of his apartment and waited for a taxi. There was one and it stopped right in front of me. I entered the taxi and said my location to the driver.


When I arrived home, Anna was there at the door waiting for me. I raised an eyebrow at her and just went inside the house. I heard her groan.

''The card?'' she asked out and I rolled my eyes. I got my wallet from my bag and gave her a card. Her eyes sparkled and she giggled her way through her room.

''Geez, thank you very much!'' I sarcastically said.

''Your welcome!'' I heard her yell back. I went to the kitchen and got myself a glass of water. My phone vibrated and I got it out. There were a lot of notifications and there was a text message. It was from Punzie and I opened the message.

From: Punzhit

To: Elsa

We need you at the studio right now.


I opened the door and everybody was now looking at me. Rapunzel approached me and she was panicking.

''Woah, calm down.. what's happening?'' I asked and the doors opened once again and it hit my back. I gasped in pain and I held my back.

''Oh my God, I'm so sorry.... umm.... Elsa..'' I heard him say. I looked at the one who said it and it was Jack. gave him a small glare and waved my hands in the air.

''Alright.'' I said and sighed. Rapunzel was checking on me.

''I'm so sorry, Elsa. This is my fault.'' Rapunzel said. I just gave her a fake smile and nodded. In the inside I was rolling my eyes. These people are so weird.

''Why were you panicking again?'' I asked.

''Well, the model for today said she wasn't coming! What are we going to do?!'' she panicked once again. I just flipped my hair and walked a few steps away from her.

''We could just replace her for today. We could just.. shoot with a different model.'' I said and she hummed.

''I think that is not possible. The calendar would be messed up! The models would get mixed up and it would be hard for them to adjust.'' she reasoned out.

''Well, it's just no magazine for this month or different model.'' I said and she clicked her tongue a few times.

''You're right, but who's the model?'' she asked and I rolled my eyes. This girl is so dumb.

''Well, she's already standing in front of you.'' I said and she smiled.

''Thank you very much, Elsa! Okay, just go to the room to get your make up done.'' she said and I nodded. I went to the make up artist and she was the one who also did my hair. I was wearing dark colored lipstick and eyeshadow.

I was wearing a navy blue dress that was showing my cleavage and had two thick straps on my shoulders. It was hugging my figure perfectly and I scrunched my nose a bit. I bet I looked even more better than that model. I bet she saw the dress and retreated. Hmmph.

The door opened and I saw Rapunzel peeking.

''So, are you ready?'' she asked.

''Yeah.'' I told her. My hair was now on a high and tight bun. She sprayed a bit more of hair spray and I was ready to go. I went outside and saw Jack fixing his camera. He glanced up at me only to look once again. I raised an eyebrow and he smiled a little.

''Go there on the platform.'' Jack said. His voice was serious and I went there. My high heels were easy to walk on and they were comfortable on my feet. He was really serious about this. He then turned on his camera.

He pulled a chair on the platform and made me sit there.

We were the only one who were in this room and it made me nervous. Why am I feeling this way? His mood this morning was bringing a strange aura and that's the one that made me nervous.

''Look glamorous and at the same time fiecre.'' he said and I crossed my legs. I leaned forward and gave him a fierce look.



We took a couple more shots and we're now taking the last one.

''Why didn't you wake me up when you left?'' he asked and I gasped a bit and the camera flashed.

''Delete that.'' I told him.

''I might keep this one but I won't show it to them.'' he laughed.

''Now, answer my question.'' he said and I stood up from the chair.

''You were sleeping soundly. So, I didn't want to wake you up.'' I said and he looked away.

''Okay then. Thank you for this day, Ms. Arens.'' he said and walked to the door opening it for me. I walked out of the door and nod at him.



I already got dressed back to my casual wear. I also removed the make up but I didn't remove my bun. They were already editing the magazine and Rapunzel walked up to me.

''The pictures were beautiful. Thank you, Elsa! You're a life saver!'' she told me and I laughed.

''Okay, just call me when you need me.'' I said and looked around.

''So, where's Jack?'' I asked.

''Oh, he already left.'' she said and nodded.

''Well, I have to go now too. Bye.'' I waved at her and left the building.

Rapunzel's POV

I looked outside the window and saw Jack. He was walking down the streets and my lips parted. I felt someone touch my shoulder and it was Flynn.

''So, how was the photoshoot?'' he asked and I smiled.

''Well, it was perfect. Elsa saved the day.'' I said and giggled.

''We should really give her a raise.'' I whispered and he hummed.

''I'll see what I can do.''

Third Person's POV

He was walking back to his house and they were watching him closely. They planned that they would do it today since their boss was really excited to see him suffering. He held on the handkerchief tightly, nobody was around them. He was running to him and then the unexpected happened.

A van stopped right in front of Jack and knocked him out. They brought him inside the van and it drove away fastly. He brought out his phone and called his boss.

''What happened!?'' their boss asked.

''Looks like somebody else was planning to kidnap him. They were faster than us, sir.'' he told him.

''Idiots, now that he's gone. How can we torture him?'' their boss cursed and ended the call.

Author's NOTE

So, who do you think were Jack's kidnappers?

Where is he now?





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