Chapter 1

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Now, I've done some pretty bad things in my life, yet I never imagined getting caught with military equipment for fun would lead me and my friends to this dump, Shingeki Academy, What a name. I imagined death or at least prison, but when that Erwin guy told me that our punishment would be joining the Scout Regiment, I was suprised. Then I imagined hard training and months of brutal suffering, but on the way there, stupid guy said we were, " Too young to join the regular training" and that we would train with the the rest of the new recruits for this year. So, now I'm sitting here learning about the biology of titans, seperated from my friends , Farlan and Isabel, and stuck with a bunch of perfect know- it- alls. Usually, instead of listening to everyone answer questions about titans diets and other worthless stuff, I just did anything else to pre-occupy myself. That is until the teacher calls on me...

"Ackerman! Can you please inform the class of where to strike a titan with your ODMG to prevent regeneration?" I looked up from my desk and stared at the teacher. I knew the answer, Kenny always told me if I ever ran into one, to get them in the back of the neck, so they can't come back. Yet now, I really didn't care about this class thing, so I blurted out a random answer and the teacher spendt the rest of the class discussing the real answer and the properties and the importance of the answer. After the bell rang, I went to History of Titans, then too Map Reading, then finally to Break and Lunch. I found Farlan and Isabel shortly after the bell for Break rang. We talked for a bit about class and how stupid this all is. We laughed for a bit before the bell rang and we all walked to our only class together, ODMG Training and Concept.

In class we looked around at the other students in the class. Isabel told me a few like Ridge and Thomas and Farlan told me about a guy named Auld who was in his his Trading and Sell class. I recognized a few people too, like that teacher's pet Ral who was in many of my classes. " Don't worry Big Bro! We will own this class!" said Isabel. Farlan nodded his head in approval," We have more training than everyone here!" I slightly smiled as the teacher, Mr. Shadis, called each recruit up to put on their gear properly, fill up the gas, and see where they stand.

We watched and laughed as each recruit failed. The Auld kid couldn't put on the equipment and how Ral squealed as she lifted off. Then came my turn.I could feel the eyes of the people in the room on me as I finished filling the tank and putting on the gear in a minute flat. I was checked to see if everything then sent off onto the course. I observed the course first. Seemed simple, a course made of stone. I released the wires into each of walls across the room and with another push of a button, released a small burst of gas. I continued to move swiftly through the course. Over walls, into tunnels, and around random barriers. Then around the end of the course, it was as simple wall to wall area like the beginning with a random barrier around 15 feet in, this would cause the trainee to quickly maneuver from long ways to short in a matter of seconds. I grinned at this as my favorite move to do on 3DMG would be perfect for this part, The Corkscrew Flyer, an extremely complex move used in Scout missions. Its used in areas where it is to tight of a squeeze to do normal wall to wall. Plus, the high-speed spinning would get me to the platform in around 3 seconds compared to the 10 it would take me using wall to wall. As I was nearing closer, I mentally planned how to put the Corkscrew flyer in to action . I felt my heart beating out of my chest as I retraced the wires and started the spin. At the last secound I pushed the button to release the wires. One stuck into the barrier and the other into the wall. Within the next second I was past the barrier and landed onto the end platform.

I looked to see Shadis and other teachers whispering into each others ears and my class mates standing there mouths agape. I took off the gear and started walking towards the group of people, when I turned to see that Erwin guy standing there, smirking. I turned away from the group and faced the door way, my blood boiling. That guy sent me here as a punishment for using illegal ODMG, yet he could sit there smirking watching me like I was some kind of animal forced to do his bidding. I walked up to him and started to yell at him," Hey! You think you can just sit there and laugh at me?! You sent me to this dump, and you chuckle to yourself of the mutt you caught and how easily you made it do what you want. Is that it? Well, you shouldn't corner at an animal and tease it because it tends to fight back. So come on fight m-" My little rant was inturrupted by the bell signaling the next class. Erwin looked at me and smirked once again," Better get to class, you don't want to be late..."

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