Chapter 5

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The 3rd day after The Choosing, the new scouts were assigned to go outside the walls on a mini mission to get the "feel" of being out die the walls and being exposed to the danger. Farlan, Isabel, and I were all quite excited. " We finally get to use our skills and training on the field!" Farlan said, a big smile on his face. Then, Isabel joined the conversation," AND KICK SOME TITAN BUTT!" I chuckled at her. I may of not seemed like it, but my heart was pounding out of my chest and adrenaline was flowing. I was ready. "Okay Everyone, make sure tanks are full and gear is working properly, then let's head out!" said the man I now knew as 'Commander Erwin' Everyone in the room got out of their seats and proceeded towards the door, still chattering away.
When we got to the wall, thunder cracked through the air like a whip and brought a downpour. I saw Commander Keith turn and whisper to Commander Erwin, obviously deciding to leave or not. Erwin shook his head then spoke, his voice booming through the crowd," Attention! We have decided to proceed with the mission! New scouts, there are times when danger is thrown at you at random. Today, in the storm and through the mud, we can prepare you. Now trainees, this could be the opportunity to gain the most important thing from your fellow soliders, respect. Finally, stay with the group until we get to the Hot-Spot." After a few whispers and comments, we moved foward.
Farlan, Isabel, and I were in the back of the group, simply talking about the good ol' days with Kenny and classes, when we decided to stop at a random and awkward jagged rock to break. That was when Isabel looked around us and the rest of the group was nowhere to be seen.
They started to freak out. We were alone in the middle of nowhere, in the pouring down rain, wet and cold, and unable to see more than 5 feet in front of us due to the rain. " We could be attacked at any moment!" exclaimed Farlan. I tried to calm them down and told if we spilt up, then maybe, just maybe, we could find the wall or the rest of the group. Farlan silently agreed and Isabel scowled at the idea, but agreed also. " Okay, so you two keep going straight. I'll go back from where we came from. In about an hour, meet back here," I pointed at the rock," If one group comes back and the other group isn't there, then go in the direction they went." After a nod from Farlan and another disapproving look from Isabel, I turned around to face the unknown lands hidden by the rain.
I trudged through the mud, wind and rain pelting my face, for what seemed to be the longest 30 minutes of my life. I continued in a straight line, occasionally almost tripping over rocks, until it felt like I should turn back. I smiled as I turned around in the direction of the rock, and away from the wind. It wasn't exactly a walk in the street, but it was still better than before.
After walking another 30 or so minutes, I found the rock. Yet, no Farlan or Isabel to be seen. I tried my best to squint in the direction they headed to see if they were walking back, but too no avail. I sighed and decided to do what we agreed to do earlier and head in the same direction as they went.
After yet another excruciatingly boring 10 minutes of walking, I heard a scream. I started to run as fast as I could with the gear on, until the rain let up a little. [ GORE STARTS HERE]
Then, to my horror about 10 yards away, I saw Isabel in the fist of a Titan trying to fight it, while screaming and crying for it to put her down. My instincts kicked in and I launched myself up towards the Titan. By the time my wires were attached it was too late. I watched, terrified to death, as the Titan bit into her. I heard her screams mixed with the crunch of bone. In a fury of anger, I brought my blades deep into the nape of the neck of the monster. With the force of the blades mixed with the boost of air from my tank, the Titan fell fowards, breaking Isabel's spine on the way. She let out another horrifying scream of pain. I reattached my wires into the body of the beast and raced down to where I discovered Isabel still half way in the titan's mouth. I pulled her out of its mouth and held what was left of her body in my arms, rocking her.
[BREAK OF GORE] She then looked up at me, a smile on her face, and breathed out her last words," Big Bro..." I felt tears starting to come out of my eyes as she finally passed. But, I thought about my other missing friend who just maybe, was still alive. I stood up and started to yell Farlan's name. [ GORE STARTS BACK UP] I started to walk around, searching for him, when I stepped in something... mushy.... I looked down to discover blood- soaked mud and several organs and intestines. I looked around to discover the owner only a few feet away. It was Farlan's mangled body. I fell to my knees beside his body and started to cry again. [ GORE ENDS] If only I've been with them or if I was only there sooner, they wouldn't be dead.
          A few minutes later, the group found me. I was apparently laying beside Farlan's body in the rain, covered in blood. They said I was in shock over their deaths, but I remember the commanders confirming their deaths and that's it.

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