Chapter 4

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I was nervous, I had plans to ask Petra on a second date. I realised I loved her and I thought it was time to ask her out for the second date. I was walking slowly up to her, my palms were sweaty and i had butterflies in my stomcahe. I cleared my throat before I spoke to her.
"Hey Petra, i was wondering, if, if you would like to maybe possibly go on a second date with me?"
"I would love to Levi."
"Okay, i'll see you at 7"
I was over-joyed, it went better than i had thought, i got ready and proceded to go to Petra's room at 6:55 in order to make it for 7.
"Hello beautiful!" I said loudly.
"Hi Levi"
Petra had a huge smile on her face and so did i. She invited me in, where she had a wonderful meal waiting for us to enjoy.

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