Chapter 2

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After I walked out of the class, still angry over my little fight with Erwin, the Ral girl from my class came up to me. " Hey you're Levi Ackerman, right? My name is Petra Ral."I stared at her for a minute. " Why do I care about your name?" I asked. She frowned, " I just wanted to tell you that you were amazing on course. Now tell me, how did a new recruit know how to properly do a corkscrew flyer? Are you secretly a teacher or military official? I could see how you could be due to your height." I groaned. Wall Maria, this girl was annoying and I was not in the mood for stupid people like her. So, I just answered her questions, hoping that it would get rid of her. " First off, I know I did great. 2, Why does a new recruit like you even know what a corkscrew flyer is? 3, No, I'm just simply a recruit. Finally, you're talking, shorty." Petra started to blush at the last comment. I chuckled a bit, at least I got some entertainment. I started walking to my next class and away from her. Yet, she ran to my side. " Levi, I actually wanted to know if you would help me.. Learn hands on with the ODMG..." I sighed. I knew she wasn't just here to compliment me. I had plans with Farlan and Isabel that night, But I still agreed.

After school ended, I found Farlan and Isabel and briefly explained to them about helping Petra and having to cancel. They weren't exactly happy, in fact, Isabel complained a lot and said a few choosey words. I patted her head and left to the yard behind the school where I was to meet Petra.

When I got to the yard, it was practically empty other than a few people. I looked around for Petra, when I saw her sitting in the grass, two sets of ODMG and two tanks of gas in front of her. When she saw me she smiled and waved. I waved back and walked over. " Hello, Petra. Can I ask where you got the equipment? I don't think a perfect recruit like you would steal it. " Petra slightly smiled and then explained briefly about how you can ask the teachers to get a set to train. I put that piece of handy info into the back of mind and started to explain to Petra about each part of the gear. After my explanation, she took the gear and started to messing with each piece. I kept my focus onto my own gear, putting the gas into the tank, when I happened to sneak a look at Petra. She had her tongue sticking slightly out of her mouth, eyes focused on the blade handle. I smiled, then her eyes shifted up to mine. She realised I was looking at her work and said, " H-Hey Levi... Why are you staring at me like that? " I lightly blush and coughed. " So.. I would call that the end of this lesson..." I said nervously, attempting to brush off the awkward staring conversation. Petra looked suprised. " This lesson? There'll be more? " I nodded. " Of course, we haven't even got you into the equipment. Plus, you still cry like a baby when you lift off." She then smiled, ran up to me, wrapped her arms around me, then whispered to me, " So, can we have this lesson tomorrow?"

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