Chapter 3

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I walked back to my dorm, annoyed, though the date had gone well, I tried to tell himself I didn't like Petra but deep down I knew I did. The kids around school were teasing me about my lesson with Petra, and I was sick of it. I finally got to my room and flopped on the bed. I had to walk through masses of comments just to get to my room! It was ridiculous. I sighed and thought some more about Petra, when a weight pushed down my bed. I sat up to see some random guy sitting there. " W-WHY ARE YOU IN MY ROOM!" I yelled. "I'm your room mate, Levi. I'm Gunter. When I walked in I sad you sighing so I decided to see what was wrong."
"Why should I tell you? You are literally a random person I don't know. So get off my bed, and go do something , you peasant. "
Gunter chuckled, got off my bed then turned to me, "I hope you can use your aggression as a strength to fix your problem. "
That reminded me of something Kenny said when I was with him. I remember that I couldn't use the gear correctly and got mad. Kenny came up to me and told said:
" Listen Kid, you got a temper. Now you can use that to your advantage and turn it into strength or as a disadvantage and let it to get the best of you. Now, I want you to try to use that your advantage as strength fueled by anger can take you as far as you want. So, quit your crying, use that anger, and get back out there."
I blinked a few times and paused to reflect. That's it. I stood up, thanked Gunter then walked out of the room. Once again, I was greeted by comments. I yelled and told everyone to shut up. " Listen, you are all acting immature. So grow up and do something with your lives besides constantly interfere with people's lives. Perhaps you should all get some yourselves. " I stopped my speech looked around, then walked out of the room.

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