Chapter 6

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The next morning, I decided to tell her that he liked her.  I walked up to Petra, slowly but nervously. I had something to tell her, something I'd been keeping secret. My palms were sweaty just thinking about her. I walked slowly up to Petra and gently tapped her shoulder.
"H.. hey Petra.." I spoke with as much confidence as I could.
"Oh, hi Levi, what are you doing here?"
"Theres been... there's been something i've wanted to say."
"What is it Levi? You can tell me"
"Well Petra, I, I really like you. I was wondering if you wanted to.. Well, maybe be with me?"
"OH LEVI! You finally asked! I could hardly hold my happiness in and let out a huge smile across my face, Petra had done the same.
I then pulled her into a hug then looked at her, "Wait, what do you mean by finally?"

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