^Pulse Four^

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Fire seemed to engulf me and I struggled against the hands that pushed me down.

"Shh sweetie you're fine, you're okay now" A voice said from above me. I tried to open my eyes but a heaviness fell over my lids and I couldn't get it open. Then the voices muffled before silence surrounded me once more, and I fell into the depths of my mind.

Touches of heat filled my body with shocks that sent waves down my body. Bright blue eyes filled my vision before disappearing into darkness. When I surfaced I let out a gasp before falling back into the waters of my own mind.

It felt like I was drowning. The water seemed to cool down my body, but the tightening in my lungs just filled me with more desperation. Then it seemed like there was a faceless crowd. The eyes of the faceless people were blank, the sockets full of nothing. There mouths twisted into sneers, taunting me with screeching laughter. Helplessness filled my body. Gasping in emptiness was all I could do.

"Shh you're okay now" A deep voice broke into the screeching giggles of the crowd.

I held my hand above the surface desperately wanting somebody to grasp a hold of me.

"Its okay. I'm here now" and the a warm hand clutched mine before I was pulled onto the surface.

Flashes of faces. That was all I could remember from my time in the furnace. Now a cool layer of sweat coated my body and I sighed in relief when I felt a rag filled with ice cold water wiped at my forehead. I let out a groan before opening my eyes, the room was dark except for the slight glow of a lamp in the corner of the room. Then my eyes met with a bright blue pair leaning over me with a rag.

"How you feeling sweetie" The blonde women asked me as she dabbed my forehead. I opened my mouth to speak but it felt as if cotton balls were stuffed down my throat. "Here I have some water for you" she propped me up on the pillows and helped me to drink the liquid. It was icy cool as it slid down my throat causing me to sigh in relief.

"Thank you" I whispered as I finished off the glass. I looked down at my body noticing I had a nightgown on and a cast was on my ankle.

"Can you tell me what happened to you?" she asked kindly and something about her wanted me to spill everything but it took too much energy to go through the whole story so I shook my head at her. "That's okay" she replied. "We don't have to talk right now"

It was silent for a second before she asked me if I wanted to take a shower. I eagerly nodded so she helped me from the bed and I limped to the bath leaning heavily on her for support. I swallowed my embarrassment as she helped me take off my clothes and set me inside a chair that was placed inside already. I looked at her confused waiting for a slight explanation on why a random chair was in it.

"When you first came in we had to wash you off all the dirt and blood. Don't worry we were really respectful of your body. Now I'll leave you here if you need help, or when you finish washing just give me a holler." She said as she walked out the door.

I got in a quick thank you before the door closed behind her. I was left alone with my own thoughts, I didn't understand why they didn't take me to a hospital, but they must have had some medical training because of my foot now in a cast and the stitches on my thigh. She had wrapped it in a plastic bag for me when she had helped me out of my clothes, but at this moment I had never felt so naked.

Turning on the water I washed out my hair and body, letting the warm body soak everything but the leg. I turned off the water and listen for any sign of the blonde. I could hear voices outside the door but I couldn't make out any words. Waiting for them to stop talking I attempted to put on the clothes set out for me, but I was only able to get on undergarments, and pajama shorts.

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