More Than This

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You sighed as they gave each other a peck on the lips before they departed for class. It made your stomach turn. Watching them. Knowing he wasn't yours. It nearly killed you, to see him so happy with that witch. He deserves better. Can't he see?

"Hey! Niall, are you free tonight. Just to hang out. Maybe order some pizza and watch a movie?" You asked, once Melissa, his girlfriend, was gone. 

"Yeah sure. I think that's ok." He said. Your heart swelled. At least we were still friends, you thought.

Ding-Dong! You rushed to answer the door. He looked so good without even trying. "Hey." 

"Hi!" You led him to the living room. "So how's it going with you and Melissa?" You asked. 

"Fine. But sometimes I feel like she's keeping things from me." He sighed. Even though you felt bad for him, you couldn't help but hope that she was. 

"I'm sorry. Uh, how do you feel about Hunger Games?" You asked. 

"Well.... I wouldn't want to be in them..." He chuckled. You playfully elbowed him in the chest. 

"I meant watching it silly." You popped it in the dvd player.

He flipped open the pizza box and snatched a sausage. "Got that just for you." You said. 

"Thanks." He said through a mouthful of pizza. 

"Gross! Food belongs in the mouth! Not on other people!" You laughed. We grew serious as the movie started.

You both laughed as we made fun if Effie and Haymitch. He hugged you when you cried during Rue's death scene. All to soon, the movie ended and he had to go.

Go on! Tell him how you feel! You thought. You took a deep breath. "Niall. I-I have to tell you something." You drew one more shaky breath. "I like you. I know you have a girlfriend, but if you don't like me back, that's fine . I just needed to tell you." You began to close the door, when he stopped it with hand. He stepped in and cupped my cheek in his hand.

He kissed you and then walked out. Didn't say a word. Just walked into the darkness, hands in his pockets, without ever looking back.

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