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You had always envied Niall's careless and laid back attitude. You had gotten into the gifted program when you were 10. It always pushed you to do your best. It never gave you time to be a teen. Instead, they always talked about your potential and how far you could get. Honestly, you wanted to be a stay at home mom, not some stupid lawyer. The program piled you with homework, and wired your brain to think everything was a competition. Long story short; The gifted program was nothing to be proud of.

"Ready?" You asked, plopping down your books and papers in the grass next to him.

"Hold on." He held up on finger and then laid back in the grass, with his hands behind his head. "Look." He pointed up at the sky full of swirling clouds.

"Evaporated water?"

"No. Clouds." You laid down next to him, with your hands on your stomach. You looked up but saw nothing but blobs. 

"Look," His finger was in front of you pointing out a cloud. "It's a poodle." You tilted you head and squinted, and sure enough, there was a puffy and slightly crude poodle floating in the air. 

"Oh yeah!" That opened up a door of creativity. "There's a dragon over there!" I pointed.

"Looks like my homeroom teacher," Niall laughed. You did to, and then you both looked over at each other, still laughing. You stopped, but still looked at each other. A piece of hair fell onto your face. HE brushed it away and then rolled over on his side, propping his head up on his arm.

"What?" You asked.

"Nothing. Just wondering how I could've been so lucky as to get the prettiest girl in class as my partner." You blushed.

"Smartest maybe. But pretty?" 

"No really. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise." He put a finger under your chin and kissed you.

"I won't."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2016 ⏰

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