The Letters

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My Love, One Month

So much has happened in one month. One week after you passed, I found out I was pregnant! I already have a name. Niall James Horan. Just like his daddy. Its to early to tell, but I just know it'll be a boy.

You were right. Louis does make me feel happy again. When we first started going out, I felt guilty, but I know its what you would've wanted. He's funny and sweet, just like you. It won't be the same, but its the closest I'll get.

Sincerely, (Y/N)

My Love, Four Months

Its getting harder. At first, I felt numb. I felt nothing. I thought that was horrible, but now I feel alone. I haven't had sleep in days. I cry the whole night through. I have nightmares about you. Its horrible.

Sometimes, I just want to end it. But then I remember our promise. I remember our baby. I know that I have to keep moving forward. Even if it hurts.

Sincerely, (Y/N)

My Love, 1 year

It has been so long since I have written to you, because so much has been going on. May 17, 2016 Niall James Horan Jr. Was born. He looks just like you. He has now started to crawl and is a pain! He gets into everything. But I love him all the same.

Louis has asked me to marry him. I told him I needed to think. Three weeks later and he gets impatient. I just don't know what to do. I feel as if I am betraying your love. I know that's not the case, but it feels like it. Well, that's all I have.

Sincerely, (Y/N).

My Love, Two Years

Yesterday, me and Louis returned from our Honeymoon. Where I found out I was pregnant. Its exciting, and Louis is very supportive. But I wish it was you at my side. But no use wishing for things we cannot control.

I think I might be ready. But I still wake up in the middle of the night sweaty, crying and screaming over you. Louis suggested seeing a doctor, but he can't help what I feel. Niall jr is exactly like you. Sometimes so much I burst into tears at the sight of him.

Sincerely, (Y/N)

1 1/2 Years later

"Louis, I-I think I'm ready." You stuttered, looking at the pile of slightly yellowed letters. "Ok. You alright?" He squeezed your hand. "Yes." You picked up the pile of letters, but paused as your hand went to the ring around your middle finger. You took a deep breath and slipped it off.

The wind whipped your hair around your face as you stood before Niall's grave. You stepped forward with a bundle of yellow roses. "These were from the first time we met. You gave them to me, tell-telling me they went with my hair, as you placed one behind my ear." You placed them on his stone. You took the letters and the ring, and placed them down with a shaking hand. You went back to Louis and you stood for a few moments. You gave his hand a squeeze to tell him you're ready.

Just because you let go, doesn't mean you don't love him. You loved him with all your heart and more. He was everything.

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