Panic Attack (You)

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"No! No! Niall!" You screamed, waking up from your dream.

"Shhh! Sh! I'm here right here!" He held you tight in his hands as you breathed heavily. Once you had calmed down a bit, he suggested you both go have a cup of warm tea. As you sat down you began thinking about the dream again. Suddenly, it felt like the air had be sucked out of your lungs, and you couldn't fill them with more. You gasped for breath and held your chest. Niall wheeled around and rushed to you.

"(Y/N), breathe. Take deep breaths in and out," he demonstrated.

"Niall-I-I can't!" You gasped.

"Yes you can princess. In and out. Just like the doctor said," he encouraged. A tear rolled down your cheek.

This was how you were going to die. From a panic attack in the middle of the night in Niall's arms. You began to thrash around has the pain and panic intensified. But he stayed calm and contained a firm grip on you. "(Y/N), princess. You need to breathe. For me. You need to calm down." You began to wheeze, but after a few minutes, you calmed down.

"That's my princess," he whispered as you calmed down. You buried your head in his shoulder. He ran smoothed your hair as you sobbed.

"I wish I didn't have this stupid disorder!" You yelled in frustration. "I wish I didn't have to take these stupid pills!" Your yelling turned into sobbing once more.

"There's no use wishing for things like that. I love you just the way you are," he whispered.

"Niall, I don't think I can go back to sleep," you wiped away a few tears.

"That's fine princess. I'm sure there's something on t.v,"

Niall Horan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now