3 hours later Austin and I walk out of the tattoo parlor with new ink. I got a colorful origami bird behind my ear while Austin got an XX tattoo on the inside of his lip. My blood was rushing trough my veins, I wanted to do something even more crazy.
"Come on! Let's do something else," I grabbed Austins arm and jumped up and down. Damn I must be really annoying, I couldn't help it I was filled with adrenaline.
He laughed,"Well what do you want to do?"
I looked around the town center and saw a club.
"I wanna go in there" I said as I pointed.
Austin rolled his eyes,"How? We're underage."
I looked at him and winked, than ran towards the back of the bar. I could hear his footsteps behind me, I found the back door and thankfully it was unlocked. When the door opened I could hear the boom of the music. We couldn't drink because we're only 17 and in Australia you need to be 18. We danced and partied until we got kicked out. I was high on life, I was happy. But something still made me sad, how Austin didn't love me..before I knew it I was speaking aloud,"I Love you."
He turned and looked at me, when he did I took the opportunity to kiss him. He backed away, he looked at me with those big blue eyes that I loved. He smiled,"I knew that you would crack." With that we kissed a kiss filled with passion and Love.
I have never been so sure of something in my life.
I knew he Loved me in that moment.Sorry for the short update!!