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March 31st, 2015.

Krystel Rosenfield

We all grow up to be a person we want to be, or almost all of us. I was just stuck in that awkward part of my life after university where I did not know exactly where to go. I want to become a writer, it is my dream job. I really love writing and reading. Unfortunately, I never found an open door after university. So now I work as an assistant wedding organizer in San Francisco. Needless to say I am not very fond of my job.

I mean my life is ok. Nothing more and nothing less. I am not exactly happy but I can't complain because I have everything I need. I can buy food. I have a small but cozy appartment. I have an overly energetic dog that I treat like my own child. I can write and read all night if I want to.

I guess I am just waiting for the next big thing. I simply wish it would come faster so I can finally start doing something I love.

I never really reached for what I wanted in life. I just always waited for someone to give me a chance.

I always picture myself waiting in this room with plenty of other people. This lady comes in once in a while and calls someone. This person leaves with her, but never comes back. I sit there silently wondering where that person went. As the time passes, everyone left and I am the only one remaining. But I force myself to be patient and continue waiting, hoping that the lady will come to say my name.

So here I am: waiting. I have always been waiting and feel like I am missing something, but I don't know what.

I call this place where I currently am: The waiting room.

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