Chp 1- When a normal day turns around

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One bright afternoon sulking in my room like a dreaded vampire....bored as hell as usual....listening to so far away by a7x chillin basically

I start hearing my name randomly and as it sounds who ever is saying it is getting closer!

I hear my garage door knob turn and the door slams open "KATIE!!!!!!!!!!!" yells Peyton as she barges into my house! she runs into my room and jumped on my bed and started basically bouncing off the walls. I knew something really good had to of happened. She jumped of the bed and tackled me and started waving something in my face.

"Look what i got little Missy!" Peyton says in a high giddy voice the voice she uses when she is so excited she could touch the sky!

"what?" i asked me getting giddy because of how funny her face looks!

"BACK FRIKKIN STAGE PASSES FOR THE A7X CONCERT!"she yells so happy i swear shes gonna die!

I don't blame her cause i was gonna die myself. We both started jumping around my room and then we darted outside screaming and yelling like a bunch of banchees!

"Where in the Hell did you get those! that concert has been sold out for a week now!" I said so excited

"WHO CARES I GOTTEM DON'T I!" yells Peyton.

"GUESS YOUR RIGHT" I yell back

"But no really where did you get them, you didnt kill anybody did you!" i asked

"No my frikkin awesome frin got em for me!" she shouted

"OK Whens the concert?" I asked about to scream!

"tomorrow at the Bridge stone arena!"  Peyton said as if we should start to go right now.

"Awesome I'm free!" I replied happily.

"I wouldn't give a damn if you were or not you were still gonna go even if i gotta knock some heads together!" replied Peyton

"Alright" i could barley say i was laughing so hard "see you tomorrow!" i yelled.

"OK" Peyton said as she ran home jumping for joy

I went to bed early not knowing why but i could definitely say a normal day did turn around!

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