Chp 12- Facing the Rents

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Everything was settled turns out Johnny isnt as pissed as Vicki and Jimmy thought he would be. He actually dont mind them dating. He would rather Vicki date Jimmy than an absolute stranger. He was only pissed that they tried to hide it and he was pissed at them for me to. Of course Brian told all his Brothers i dont blame him i mean i told peyton. Johnny was pissed at them for me because of me and Brians fight witch was over nothing basically....

We decided to go  to the sevenfold hang out in Orlando Flordia, i was glad because i loved flordia but before i left i had to face the rents. Great this is going to be hell. I really didnt want to but i figured the desereved to know they were probably already scared shitless and want me to come home by now.

I walked to the front of the bus to matt and asked him if we could make a stop before we left.

"Hey Matt, mind stopping at ...gave him my adress... ?" i asked

"sure why not" he replied and smiled

it was about 40 min from where we were so i went and sat down by Peyton and Zacky.

~~~40 MINS LATER~~~

We pulled up to the 2 story brick house i call home...or will it be what i called home.

I looked at brian

"meet me by the face on the other side of the cars" i asked him

He nodded

 I looked in the drive way...crap they are both home. I walked up to the door trying to reassure myself to do it i wanted to pull back my hand as i knocked on the door. Someone flew down the stairs and opened the door. It was my Mom.

"Hi mom" i said as if she was going to shoot me

She glared at me but pulled me into a hug.

"where the hell have you been!" she asked

"Uh..Long story" i said kind of a giggle in mmy voice

My dad came running and hugged me picking me up off the ground squeezing me to death...Now where a big military man goes to hug you trust me its not a huge its a death lock!... he finally set me down and both of thier faces got angry real fast....geez bipolar moment

"Where in hell were you!" my dad yelled

i stared at him blankley

"that was a question to be answered" my mom tagged along

 "i have actually been haging with Avenged Sevenfold.." i spit out fast "and they want me to go to florida with them..." i added in

"HELLLL NO" my dad said fast " are you Fuckin Crazy!!" he asked me

"wht not you never let us kids do anything you treat us like babies! its bull shit!"

My mom slapped me

"dont talk to us that way young lady" she yelled

I touched my stinging face and felt enraged. I ran down stairs and locked my door.

I heard a knock

"what!" i yelled

"its me Ashley"

Ashley is my sister i have 3 other siblings. Lucky me i am the oldest

i went and unlocked the door and pulled her in fast because my mom and dad lunged for my door i hurried and locked it again. I grabbed my huge traveling suit case and threw clothes in it basically grabbing everything which wasn't much because i barley get to go shopping...That is because when i sop for what i want i get told No because the things i want are to death wishy or to much black or to skinny for my rents to handle unlike my perfect brother and sister who have "color" in thier wardrobe...make me puke!

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